From Ex-Googlers’ Job Tips To U.S. Politics: This Week’s Top Leadership Stories

This week we learned what recruiters are really thinking when their hands are tied from explaining why they passed on a certain candidate, how former Google employees first landed their positions, and which phrases to avoid on job interviews.

These are the stories you loved in Leadership for the week of September 10:

1. This Is What Recruiters Are Thinking When Jobseekers Are Unsuccessful

Most recruiters want the best for the candidate and the company–but there are some instances where they really can’t share what they think, even when they want to. Some common pitfalls? Blundering interview questions and unflattering job references–among others.

2. Six Ex-Googlers Share How They Landed The Job

Landing a job at Google is no easy feat, and there are multiple ways to get there. Fast Company’s Gwen Moran spoke to six former Google employees to find out how they landed…

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