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Tag: United States of America

Turkey Has Imprisoned an American Pastor for One Year

It’s been almost one year since Dr. Andrew Brunson was unjustly imprisoned without charges in Turkey. Imagine spending a year in a Turkish prison as a hostage. Turkey has long been an ally of the United States, but has chosen to complicate and weaken its relationship with the United States and other free nations of the world through its increasingly oppressive policies. In some cases, the foreign government used local laws which are inconsistent with international human rights norms to justify violations of religious freedom. If this is how Turkey treats an American like Andrew Brunson, other Americans should hesitate before taking their business to Turkey. It is not worth the risk.

Trump advisers urge president to decertify Iran deal without killing it: report

President Trump's national security team has urged him to decertify the Iran nuclear accord ahead of the Oct. 15 deadline, according to Politico. Trump's advisers are urging him to declare that the deal isn't vital to U.S. interests while holding off on pressuring Congress to implement new sanctions on Tehran, Politico reported. Their idea is reportedly to have Trump signal his displeasure with the deal while avoiding the negative political fallout that could arise from a full withdrawal. Trump's team, led by national security adviser H.R. McMaster, is reportedly developing a plan that works with European and Asian allies to increase the pressure on Iran's government while the deal remains intact. Sources cautioned Politico, however, that the strategy could change in the coming days. The news comes hours after Defense Secretary James Mattis said it was in the United States' best interest to remain in the Iran nuclear arrangement. Trump said in September that he has made his decision on whether or not to remain in the agreement with Tehran, which he ripped as an "embarrassment" during his first speech to the United Nations last month.

Lessons Learned in Mass Refugee Immigration

President Trump campaigned on a strictimmigration crackdown and a desire to limit mass refugee immigration. TheTrump administration is planning on reducing overall annual refugeeadmissions to, at most, 45,000 annually. The cap has not been this low since 2006. In response to problems with mass immigration, porous borders began to close. After continual attempts to justify her decision to accept thousands of refugees, German Chancellor Angela Merkel, finally admitted the failure of refugees to assimilate into German society. After five years of increasing numbers, Chancellor Merkel allowed 1.5 million refugees into Germany in 2015. He complained that migrants were “fed up” with the “angry” German people who “insult and agitate” and are “unemployed racists.” He continued, “We refugees…do not want to live in the same country as you. You can, and I think you should, leave Germany.

Former top CIA official: US ‘running out of options’ on NK

. Former chief of operations for the CIA counterintelligence center, Lon Augustenborg, warned on Sunday that the U.S. is quickly running out of options on North Korea as the war of words between President Trump and Kim Jong Un escalates. And the president, while I certainly understand his speech at the UN, the personal attacks, especially when you're going after someone like the Korean leadership, and with their culture … to save face, it just ups the ante and increases the hostility, and we already have limited options," Augustenborg told John Catsimatidis on AM 970 in New York. Augustenborg went on to say that the U.S. should consider putting even more pressure on China in order to force the nation to take a more hardline stance on Pyongyang. And I think we have to put more pressure on China, even if it means not paying our debts to them," he continued. "Advise the Chinese that if they don't force North Korea to give up their nuclear weapons, we would not object to arming Japan, Vietnam, the Philippines [with nuclear weapns]," he said, adding "Imagine how that would threaten China." Augustenborg's comments come as Trump finds himself in a verbal battle with Kim. Kim responded to Trump's debut speech at the U.N. calling him a "mentally deranged dotard," and warning that the U.S. would "pay dearly" for Trump's threats. The president went on to rip Kim in a speech at a rally on Friday night, saying he would handle "little rocket man."

America’s Crisis with Opioids: Confronting the Crisis

Kurzner, who was never a heavy prescriber of opioids despite being a surgeon, does see advantages to the electronic system. Kurzner stated “There is growing consensus among practicing physicians that the use of opioids in chronic pain management is not optimal. · For acute pain, prescribe only the number of days that the pain is expected to be severe enough to require opioids. Shatterproof recommends Naloxone be available without doctor prescriptions and that anyone administering the drug be indemnified for its use in an emergency. Having Naloxone available during opioid overdoses could save thousands of lives. Shatterproof recommends mandatory treatment to stem the problems these people have and stop them from spreading use and crime throughout the community. Not only do medical personnel need further education, the public does as well. Shatterproof recommends any time a patient receives more than a three-day prescription they sign a consent defining risks and benefits of the opioids they are receiving.

How the left created white-identity politics

. But the left should not be surprised whites are beginning to operate by the same rules of identity politics progressives encourage for everyone else. After all, on American college campuses, identity politics has long since driven out any serious discussion of principles. It’s all about teaching victimhood, who can be the biggest victim and how to use your racial or gender or sexual identity to gain more privileges and power on a college campus. Greer said the rise of the so-called alt right and white-identity politics is not surprising, given how the left has demonized white students purely because of the color of their skin. “Absolutely, it’s a result of what we’re seeing from the left, of what I call in my book minority-identity politics,” said Greer. “On a college campus, they encourage all sorts of identity politics unless it’s white identity politics. “And they take the natural conclusion [from what’s happening on college campuses] – I’m going to start advocating for white-identity politics against everybody else’s identity politics. “To see how bad it is, I would simply just point at what happened at Evergreen State in May,” Greer said. “There was a woman at Evergreen State, I believe she was actually a leftist herself, who said, ‘I don’t want to speak up in class because I’m a white woman and I’ll be immediately shouted down by my classmates, told to shut up because you have privilege, you wouldn’t understand this topic.

Pentagon: U.S. flew bombers near North Korea to show ‘resolve’

. The U.S. Air Force flew bombers and fighter escorts farther north of the demilitarized zone than at any point this century to send “a clear message” to North Korea, a Pentagon spokesperson said Saturday. The Air Force flew B-1B Lancer bombers from Guam and F-15C Eagle fighter escorts from Okinawa, Japan, earlier Saturday in international airspace over waters east of North Korea. “North Korea’s weapons program is a grave threat to the Asia-Pacific region and the entire international community. Trump labeled Kim “Rocket Man” and charged that he was on a “suicide mission” by continuing to provoke the U.S. by building up its nuclear arsenal.

Adding Vladimir Putin to Trump’s List of America’s Dangerous Adversaries

. But Trump was also intent on selling his “America first” agenda — the paramount political war cry in his campaign — though his explanation of what that meant got a little muddled in his prepared remarks. Decades later, Pat Buchanan resurrected the American First slogan in his presidential campaign that was focused on keeping the U.S. out of other countries’ wars, nation building, and assorted foreign entanglements. Iran, who he called a “murderous regime,” is on his list. It’s not getting the news attention it deserves, but Putin is sending signals that he may be plotting to send forces at some future time into neighboring countries that were once part of the former Soviet Union. The so-called “training” exercises include more than 12,000 Russian troops, fighter jets, missiles, helicopters and tanks. The last time Zapad, which means “west” in Russian, conducted such military exercises was in 2014, “shortly before Russia invaded Ukraine,” the news service noted. NATO is now taking this very seriously, sending 4,000 troops into Poland and the Baltic nations along the border with Russia, the Guardian reported. In 2014 Putin reportedly told his Ukrainian counterpart and other officials of his desire to send combat troops into Russia’s neighboring states.

Fundamentally Wrong About Fundamental Rights

Our rights as Americans are not granted to us by the government. The First Amendment, for example, is explicit in how it starts, “Congress shall make no law…” The rights to free speech, freedom of religion, the press, assembly, etc., are not granted by the Constitution, they are protected from government by it. Since the government is not granting those individual rights – we were born with them – it can’t take them away. Speaking of eating paint chips, Bernie Sanders revealed his long-awaited (by journalists) “Medicare for All” plan to end, once and for all, the United States being the world’s last bastion of hope for people on wait lists for life-saving medical treatment. But health care isn’t a right; it’s a service. No other “right” protected by the Constitution requires someone else to provide a service for you. But that doesn’t really matter – the right to keep and bear arms is unambiguous, yet liberals don’t argue gun manufacturers must provide them to people free of charge. Speaking of differing political opinions, the city council of College Park, Md., this week attempted to extend the right to vote in local elections to all “residents” of the city, regardless of immigration status. The argument liberals made was residents should have a say in their local government, which they would if they were in their home countries. People who look to government to grant them rights are always finding new and creative ones they demand be honored by people who just want to be left alone.

America’s Crisis with Opioids: The Breadth and Depth of the Opioid Epidemic

America’s Crisis with Opioids: The Breadth and Depth of the Opioid Epidemic. In 2015, approximately 92 million adults in America used prescription opioids. Still it is estimated that 11.5 million adults misused the drugs. West Virginia had almost twice the national average of drug overdose deaths in 2015. If you get divorced, you have a higher chance of opioid abuse. It is not surprising that, after learning about adolescents and how drugs affect them, the older you get the less abusive people are of opioids. That is followed by whites, and black Americans have the best record for not abusing drugs. The age group that had the highest death rate from drug overdoses was 45-54 years, with 30 deaths per 100,000 people. He stated, “With someone that age (65 and older), the medical examiner may not be checking a tox screen, but looking more toward cardiac problems, which would not naturally occur within other age brackets.” Not all people who die from drug overdoses are from opioids, but the highest number are and the explosion of abuse matches the explosion in the death rate for overdoses. Some people question whether some of what is being done to control prescription opioids has driven people underground to use heroin.