'Conservative' student said she became hate crime victim due to her political views

Author: Deborah Horne / Source: KIRO

Surveillance video shows a self-described “conservative student” trying to escape a fellow student she said is trying to run her down with his car. The woman said the two got into a heated discussion about her politically conservative views.

The driver showed up to classes Monday but was immediately barred from the South Seattle College campus while he is being investigated.

The alleged victim and her dad are upset that he hasn’t already been arrested after what she says happened last week in this parking lot.

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  1. If the police won’t do their job, then it’s up to the people to apprehend, try, convict, and execute the filth. Remember, at the end of the day, the true-born and rightly-raised People of America are the highest law, unbound by any mortal authority and charged with the duty of dispensing high justice upon all enemies, foreign and domestic.

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