Support for Labour and Tories neck and neck after party conferences

Theresa May has tried to drive a wedge between Labour moderates and Jeremy Corbyn.

Labour and the Conservatives are neck and neck following their party conferences, according to the latest Opinium poll for the Observer.

The poll, carried out between 3 and 4 October, found that the two main parties were deadlocked at 39%. Labour has recovered three points since the end of last week.

Support for the Liberal Democrats dropped from 9% to 7%, while the Scottish National Party, whose conference starts on 7 October, fell by one point. Support for Ukip was unchanged at 6%.

The poll, taken after Theresa May’s conference speech, revealed that her personal approval rating rose from -14% to -12% since last week. Meanwhile Jeremy Corbyn’s personal rating fell from -18% to -20%.

This is the first time since June that Theresa May’s approval ratings have been the best of the three main party leaders. In her conference speech she sought to drive a wedge between moderate Labour voters and Jeremy Corbyn’s leadership. “Today millions of people, who have…

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