On Politics: 2 Key Republicans Signal Satisfaction With Kavanaugh Inquiry

Good Friday morning. Here are some of the stories making news in Washington and politics today.

• Two undecided Republican senators suggested they were satisfied with the F.B.I. report on Judge Brett M. Kavanaugh, the Supreme Court nominee. Democrats disagree. Read the story, plus review how other senators are reacting and who the F.B.I. did — and did not — question.

• In an opinion piece in The Wall Street Journal, Judge Kavanaugh acknowledged some regrets about his testimony. Read the story.

• In an unusual rebuke from a former member of the Supreme Court, Justice John Paul Stevens said that Judge Kavanaugh was not qualified to sit on the court. Read the story.

• The attacks and alarmist messages from President Trump and his allies in Congress surrounding the inquiry into Judge Kavanaugh are not just passionate — they’re strategic. Read how the confirmation battle has become central to salvaging the midterms for Republicans.

• Mobilized by the nation’s divisions on race and Mr. Trump’s presidency, black women are using networks forged in segregation to get voters to the polls this fall. Read the story.

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