Seth Rich: judge dismisses lawsuit over Fox News story on DNC staffer’s death

Mary Rich, the mother of Seth Rich, who was a digital campaigner with the Democratic National Committee.

A lawsuit brought against Fox News by the parents of a Democratic National Committee employee killed in 2016 was dismissed Thursday by a judge who said it lacked the detail necessary to proceed to trial.

The US district judge George Daniels said the lawsuit brought by Seth Rich’s parents required specific instances of wrongdoing by the defendants to survive.

The lawsuit claimed Fox News turned Seth’s death into a “political football” by claiming he had leaked DNC emails to Wikileaks during the presidential campaign.

The network removed the story a week after it was posted, saying it was not initially subjected to its “high degree of editorial scrutiny”.

Rich, 27, was killed in July 2016 in what Washington police believe was a random…

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