5 Reasons So Many People Hate Hillary Clinton

5 Reasons So Many People Hate Hillary Clinton

Have you heard about Hillary Clinton’s new book, What Happened?. She could have saved everyone time by just writing out a list called The 349 People, Places And Things Other Than Myself That I Blame My Failure On….. She lost because of Bernie Sanders. Because of white people. Because of “Bernie Bros,” sexism, and Russians. Because the press coverage wasn’t favorable enough. If you can come up with an excuse, she put it in the book somewhere.

At one point, while doing the publicity tour for this monstrosity, she actually said, “What makes me such a lightning rod for fury? I’m really asking. I’m at a loss.” So, as a public service to Hillary Clinton and the legions of her fans who seem to think she’s practically perfect (No, really. I’ve been listening to them for months on Twitter. It’s bizarre), I’ve put together this short, handy list explaining reasons why so many people hate Hillary Clinton that go beyond her socialistic political beliefs. Granted, there are many other things we could add from her horrible cackle to the fact she seems like the most scripted person on earth to her ridiculous lies (I landed under sniper fire in Bosnia) to the hypocritical way she treated the women her husband abused, but let’s just hit the high points, shall we?

#1) Her whole campaign could have been boiled down to “Vote for me because I’m a woman:” Being a woman isn’t a qualifier for being President. In and of itself, it’s not even a qualifier for being a Hooter’s waitress. The insulting assumption that she was owed votes because she’s female and that people who disliked her were automatically sexist was incredibly annoying, especially after eight years of being told that everyone who disagreed with Obama was a racist. In fact, Hillary can insultingly chalk it all up to sexism if she likes, but as my friend Amanda Carpenter said, “Hillary’s problems with likability aren’t problems shared by our whole gender no matter how much she wishes it so.”

#2) Hillary’s entire claim to fame is being married to Bill: If Tom Brady gets hurt tomorrow, your top choice…

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