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Tag: United States of America

President Donald Trump Proposes War In South America To Officials | Velshi & Ruhle | MSNBC

President Donald Trump Proposes War In South America To Officials | Velshi & Ruhle...

According to new reporting from the Associated Press, President Trump was willing to go to war last summer to solve a foreign policy challenge with Venezuela. Chris Jansing speaks with the reporter who broke the story, Joshua Goodman, about if…

CNN fires back at Trump: It’s your job to represent the US to the...

CNN fired back at President Trump after he attacked the network in a tweet Saturday for representing the U.S. “very poorly” to the world. “It's not CNN's job to represent the U.S to the world,” the network’s public relations team tweeted. Our job is to report the news. #FactsFirst.” It's not CNN's job to represent the U.S to the world. Our job is to report the news. #FactsFirst — CNN Communications (@CNNPR) November 25, 2017 The tweet also included an apple emoji, a nod to their recent “Facts First” ad campaign. Trump tweeted earlier Saturday that Fox News is “much more important” than CNN. @FoxNews is MUCH more important in the United States than CNN, but outside of the U.S., CNN International is still a major source of (Fake) news, and they represent our Nation to the WORLD very poorly,” he tweeted. @FoxNews is MUCH more important in the United States than CNN, but outside of the U.S., CNN International is still a major source of (Fake) news, and they represent our Nation to the WORLD very poorly. The Justice Department has reportedly told AT&T to sell CNN's parent company, though AT&T denied that it offered to do so.

Turkey claims Trump agreed to stop arming Syrian Kurds

Turkey's foreign minister said Friday that President Trump told Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan that the U.S. would no longer supply arms to Syrian Kurdish fighters. According to The Associated Press, Turkish Foreign Minister Mevlut Cavusoglu said he was with Erdogan when Trump vowed in a telephone call to stop supplying weapons to Kurdish fighters in Syria, known by the initials YPG. “Mr. Trump clearly stated that he had given clear instructions and that the YPG won’t be given arms, and that this nonsense should have ended a long time ago,” Cavusoglu said in a news conference, according to the AP. The claim that Trump promised to stop arming the YPG appeared to take some U.S. officials who work on issues in the region by surprise, the AP reported. The White House, the State Department and the Pentagon did not immediately respond to the AP's requests for comment. The Turkish government considers the YPG to be terrorists, because of their ties to Kurdish rebels in Turkey. Trump tweeted earlier on Friday that he would be speaking to Erdogan about ongoing issues in the Middle East, saying that it was a "mistake" for the U.S. to "be there in the first place." "Will be speaking to President Recep Tayyip Erdogan of Turkey this morning about bringing peace to the mess that I inherited in the Middle East," he wrote on Twitter. "I will get it all done, but what a mistake, in lives and dollars (6 trillion), to be there in the first place!"

Fitch: Blame Politics For NAFTA Breakdown

Fitch Ratings weighed in on Tuesday. "Ultimately, if negotiations fail and NAFTA ends, it is likely to be politics that is responsible, as each government has infused the talks with homespun political considerations that are largely defensive and intended for domestic audiences," said James McCormack, Global Head of Sovereign Ratings at Fitch. "I think if NAFTA does fail it underscores the vulnerability of all free trade agreements conducted under the chaos of floating exchange rates. Today, one dollar will get you 18.78 pesos. Over the last 10 years, the Mexican peso has weakened as much as against the dollar as the Pakistani rupee, a small frontier market. Leaving aside the questions of whether these objectives make economic sense and, if so, whether a trade agreement might realistically achieve them, the U.S. position assumes the economic outcomes of a deal are easily measurable and characterizes the negotiating process as well as any resulting agreement as zero-sum propositions, Fitch analysts wrote in their report titled "Domestic Politics the Biggest Threat to NAFTA." It would be impossible using the U.S. benchmarks alone -- a reduced trade deficit with Mexico and more U.S. manufacturing jobs -- for the Canadians and Mexicans to claim victory in negotiating a better deal for their constituents. One consequent tactic Canada and Mexico might consider is to go "all in" at some point in the negotiations, threatening to walk away unless a more balanced deal can be reached that would allow for a "win-win" outcome, the Fitch report says. Sanders called it a disastrous trade agreement. Sanders also spoke out about NAFTA in 1993, saying what AMLO has said, that it only benefits the "ruling elite" and is a "disaster for working people."

The Thanksgiving Day Game That Defined American Football

Trending A group of students from Harvard, Yale, Princeton and Columbia met at the Fifth Avenue Hotel in New York City on April 28, 1882 and made an unambiguous decision: The United States was declaring its independence from British football. "A proposition to adopt the English rugby rules was unanimously rejected," the New York Daily Tribune reported on May 1, 1882. The basic concept at the foundation of American football originated in ancient Greece but came to the United States through Britain. But Col. Alexander Weyand, who captained Amy in 1915, described in his 1955 book, "The Saga of American Football," how American colleges started out playing a game that was neither the English game of soccer nor the English game of rugby. View Cartoon But then, in 1873, students from Princeton, Columbia, Rutgers and Yale -- but not Harvard -- met in New York and adopted rules that Weyand described as "essentially similar" to soccer. They created the Intercollegiate Football Association, Nelson reported, and adopted rugby rules. In 1879, Princeton and Yale tied 0-0, and the association let Princeton retain its championship. When teams did this, they got the ball back at the 25-yard line. "Mr. Moeran, who presided, said that he had only seen two games in this country, and if those were a sample of the way in which the games were to be played it would be better to crush football in its infancy," The New York Times reported the next day. But they did accept another change suggested by Camp that required the team in possession of the ball to get five yards (or lose 10) in three plays or surrender possession.

The Bergdahl Sentence is a Travesty

Military commanders are not supposed to twist subordinate arms about military justice, not even the Commander in Chief. They also sought a dismissal or other leniency from authorities presiding over the court martial. The presiding judge announced that he had not been influenced by Trump’s public outbursts. In any event, Trump had no command authority when he tweeted. But this time, he did it as president and Commander in Chief. The president’s ill-advised words don’t mitigate in favor of Berdahl. The case then, should either be deemed compromised and dismissed, or the statements excluded and ignored, and justice administered by the book. They provide no factual, legal, or moral justification to alter a just sentence in the Bergdahl’s favor. This is especially true in a case where the relevant decision maker is a judge and not a jury. It fully, offensively spoke to the men and women who serve and sacrifice, their families, and millions of informed Americans who bear witness.

Poll: Americans Were Sort of Hoping Mueller Would Arrest Someone New Every Day

WASHINGTON (The Borowitz Report)—After a memorable Monday, in which the special counsel announced criminal charges against three men associated with Donald Trump’s campaign, millions of Americans were sort of hoping that Robert Mueller would arrest someone new every day, a new poll indicates. According to the poll, Monday’s news that Paul Manafort, Rick Gates, and George Papadopoulos had been charged may have unfairly raised Americans’ expectations that Mueller would be generating new arrests at the rate of at least three a day. “Monday was one of the happiest days of my life,” one poll respondent said. “It started out great with Manafort and Gates, and then, bam, out of nowhere, Papadopoulos. I guess I started hoping all days would be like that.” Although Jared Kushner and Donald Trump, Jr., continue to be Americans’ most popular picks for the person Mueller arrests next, the poll suggests that, at this point, the indictment-starved public would be willing to settle for a lesser-known figure. “It doesn’t have to be someone I’ve heard of, like Ivanka or Pence,” one poll respondent said. “I’d be happy with Michael Flynn’s son, and I’m not even clear what he did in all of this.” Perhaps in response to the poll results, Mueller on Thursday issued the following official statement: “I understand people’s eagerness for more arrests, but all I can say is that if they’re patient we have some new ones coming up that are just amazing.”

The 6 Big Ways Liberals Are Destroying America’s Culture

Well, you better make sure it’s someone of the same race or people will be upset. I can remember a time in America where you could just live your life without paying attention to politics at all if you wanted and that was a good thing. View Cartoon 2) Political Correctness: I hate the idea that some normal person can tell a joke on Twitter and have his life destroyed for it by the liberal fun police. 4) Liberal Feminism: The original “Women should have the same rights as men” feminism has been so widely accepted in society that it made feminism irrelevant. Look out, it’s the patriarchy and rape culture! Stop saying, “Not all men!” You just sit there in silence thinking about how you’ve oppressed women! Forget about the old “Women should be women and men should be men” philosophy; liberal feminism is about women being men and the men being shamed. This is incredibly dangerous to our future as a country because you can’t hold any group of people including a nation together long term when people no longer believe they share the same goals and values as their neighbors. How’s that working out for us? Are the kids who are aborted or who get raised by a single parent instead of a family better off?

How to Make the Left Embrace Trump’s 15% Corporate Tax Rate Target

Most conservatives agree that America’s out-of-control corporate tax rate needs drastic reform. Over the next few weeks, Speaker Paul Ryan and Ways and Means Committee Chair Kevin Brady must crank up the boombox and ask their GOP colleagues just how low they can go. Corporate tax cuts are just as crucial to restoring working class jobs and purchasing power as bottom rate income tax cuts are. The time to act is today, and there are no do-overs: conservatives must fix it now while the GOP still controls every facet of Washington politics. President Trump’s message to Speaker Ryan: How low can you go?! Shortly after the blueprint’s release, Trump announced that “we’ll be adjusting [the plan] a little bit over the next few weeks to make it even stronger.” Even though talks of negotiations on the corporate tax rate have quieted, behind the scenes I’m sure the discussion is raging given Trump said, “We’ll see what happens, but I hope [the corporate tax rate is] going to be 15 percent.” Never Trump pundits are making the rounds on cable shows, such as MSNBC analyst and Republican consultant Elise Jordan, who equated the president’s corporate tax rate goal to a grown adult asking for a unicorn. Let me be clear: given the current state of the 4,000-plus page tax code, I don’t have any problem with itemized deductions, but the truth is each one only benefits small segments of the population. Republicans’ end game should always be to trade them for flatter, fairer corporate and income tax rates that help everyone across the board. The reason the GOP should legislate this way is not because one Townhall columnist says so, but because the majority of Washington agrees – especially on this offshore insurance deduction, which many on the left have been railing against for years. Republicans and Democrats have not agreed on tax rate cuts in over two decades.

Making America Good Again

What a wonderful thought. Revival is what we need to make Americans good again and good, Godly, righteous Americans will make America great again. The preacher who is credited with the start of the great azusa street revivals is said to have started each service praying with his head stuck inside a bucket so as to both separate himself from the noise of the crowd but also to humble himself and hear God's voice before he began to speak. Recognizing our own sin and preaching repentance and holiness is the only way to right America's sinking ship. One of the most misused Scriptures by the progressive, leftist heretics is in Matthew Chapter 7: “Judge not, that you be not judged. Scripture is our guide as to what is and is not sin and the laws of our nation as enumerated by our Founders used those scriptures and others writings to establish a Judicial System based on Natural Law. "Don't judge me" is an improper division of the Word of Truth and Natural Law. Scripture is clear in regard to "Knowing people by their fruits," --"Marking those that cause division,"-- "Rightly dividing truth," and being "Righteous judges of matters both within and without the church." Recently he said: "Before we can make America great again, we have to make America good again." Wouldn't it be wonderful to see another great awakening in America?