Monday, May 13, 2024
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Tag: The Family Leader

This Easter, don’t let politics define forgiveness

While there is value in these discussions, there is danger in looking at forgiveness and faith through the lens of politics. As we head into Easter weekend, I want us to look higher than headlines -- to look through God's eyes, rather than our own. Worse yet, the Bible says, the judgment for our sin is death. This sounds like bad news, but to Christians, this message is the beginning of very good news. We are entering the weekend when Christians remember the death of Jesus, who took our place of punishment upon a cross. If you repent from your sin and turn to new life through faith in Christ, then God sees you through a new lens, judges you by a new standard, that of his spotless son. In other words, he holds everyone to the same perfect standard, whether peasant or president or pastor. To follow the God they believe in. This Easter, don't let politics hijack the good news. Rather, let us use the national conversation to share the truth of what Christ has done and is doing for us.