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The Atlantic Politics & Policy Daily: There’s a New Tariff in Town

MSNBC reports that the White House is preparing to replace National-Security Adviser H.R. McMaster “as early as next month.” The Senate Intelligence Committee found that Republicans on the House Intelligence Committee leaked private text messages between the Senate panel’s top Democrat, Mark Warner, and a Russian-connected lawyer, according to a New York Times report. President Vladimir Putin said Russia has developed highly advanced nuclear weapons he claims are impossible to intercept. Equifax said hackers were able to access the personal information of 2.4 million Americans during a summer security breach, more than previously reported. Today on The Atlantic Politics vs. the People: In the wake of the Parkland shooting, conservatives have retained political power. So why do they still feel vulnerable? (Peter Beinart) What’s the Biggest Threat to Dems in 2018? : Republicans are successfully selling their tax cuts to voters. (Ronald Brownstein) ‘Built Into the Very Bones of This Place’: Jesmyn Ward reflects on raising her children in her home state of Mississippi, where the forces that Martin Luther King Jr. fought against persist. The Meltdown Over Steel Tariffs: For a few months, it seemed like the White House had finally regained its footing.

Democrats praise release of Dem House Intel memo

In a series of statements, Democratic leaders said that their version of the memo, authored by Democrats on the committee and led by ranking member Rep. Adam Schiff (D-Calif.), debunked claims made by Republicans and exposed inaccuracies in the GOP memo. “The Democratic response memo released today should put to rest any concerns that the American people might have as to the conduct of the FBI, the Justice Department and the [Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court]," Schiff wrote. House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) went further in her statement, calling on Republicans to end "political charades" surrounding the Russia investigation following the memo's release. In the upper chamber, Democrats on the Senate Intelligence Committee accused Rep. Devin Nunes (R-Calif.), who authored the GOP memo, and other Republicans of trying "mislead" Americans about the conduct of top law enforcement agencies for "partisan political" purposes. In his statement, Senate Minority Leader Charles Schumer (D-N.Y.) lashed out at President Trump, who he accused of silencing Democratic opposition by delaying the release of the Democratic memo until redactions were made. Democratic Rep. Ted Lieu (Calif.) agreed with Schumer in a tweet, calling the redactions requested by the White House and Justice Department "unnecessary." I can say that the redacted materials all support the boldfaced points," Lieu tweeted. — Ted Lieu (@tedlieu) February 24, 2018 Nunes's Democratic challenger used the memo's release to attack his Republican opponent, saying that Nunes must be voted out of office before he could further undermine law enforcement. — Andrew Janz (@JanzforCongress) February 24, 2018 The Democratic memo was released after days of negotiations between committee Democrats and the Justice Department over redactions of classified material. A final version posted Saturday on the House Intelligence Committee's website countered Republican claims about the FBI's investigation of the Trump campaign's alleged ties to Russia, and accused Nunes of cherry-picking information to mislead Americans while not reading the underlying documents.

Tucker Carlson: The Obama Administration Spied On A Rival Political Campaign

What a paranoid lunatic they said, 'Get off Twitter!' Yeah. The question at this point is how many Trump's people weren't spied on by the FBI. We know from Congressional testimony that Page spoke to Trump advisor, Trump campaign manager Steve Bannon while he was being spied on, meaning Bannon was likely spied on too. Suddenly it looks like the Obama administration may have spied on a significant portion of the Trump campaign team. Just how many people were surveilled and to what extent? Asking questions is a sign of disloyalty to this country. The very people that once told us that spying absolutely never happened are now telling us that spying was perfectly justified and normal. I, "would rather not have a paper trail," he texted in the oligarch's lobbyist. That story alleges just within the last year American intelligence agencies paid a spy -- apparently a spy working for the Russian government -- $100,000 in American tax dollars in exchange for unverified and possibly fabricated information about President Trump.