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Tag: Chris Murphy

Not Surprised But Disappointed: Senator Denied Russian Visa | Morning Joe | MSNBC

Not Surprised But Disappointed: Senator Denied Russian Visa | Morning Joe | MSNBC

Sen. Chris Murphy, D-Conn., is one of the U.S. lawmakers denied a visa to visit Moscow next week amid debate over whether Russia should be re-admitted to the G7. Sen. Murphy joins Morning Joe to share his reaction to being…

Hayes introduced to hard-nosed politics on first day in Congress

Washington – U.S. Rep. Jahana Hayes began her congressional career Thursday kissing babies, casting votes to reopen the partially shuttered federal government, and keeping watch for news about a daughter who was due — at any minute — to give birth. “This is a big day for me in many ways,” Hayes said. A Democrat representing the 5th Congressional District, Hayes replaces retired Rep. Elizabeth Esty and was propelled to office by enthusiastic supporters seeking change and enamored by the energetic, optimistic can-do-ism exuded by the former national Teacher of the Year. A political neophyte, Hayes repeatedly described her first day in Congress as “surreal.” “Can you believe we’re here?” she asked the throng of supporters jammed into her congressional office. “This is okay, right?” she asked those attending her office reception, waving her arms around the room. A bus filled with 75 supporters came to Washington Thursday to witness the swearing in of the first black congresswoman to represent Connecticut. Like all of Connecticut’s House members, Hayes voted to elect Rep. Nancy Pelosi as Speaker. The House cloakroom called her office and she ran back to the Capitol to cast the vote. “But mostly I’m surprised that we got right to work,” she said. Besides electing the Democratic and Republican leadership, and a new set of rules for the House that requires all bills to be subject to committee hearings and reviewed for at least 72 hours before a vote, the House prepared to vote late Thursday on Democratic legislation that would fund the agencies that have been shuttered in the partial government shutdown.
Missing Journalist Did Not See Texts When In Consulate | Morning Joe | MSNBC

Missing Journalist Did Not See Texts When In Consulate | Morning Joe | MSNBC

Sen. Chris Murphy, D-Conn., of the Foreign Relations Committee, discusses the disappearance of journalist Jamal Khashoggi. Ayman Mohyeldin and Josh Lederman also join the conversation. » Subscribe to MSNBC: http://on.msnbc.com/SubscribeTomsnbc About: MSNBC is the premier destination for in-depth analysis of…
Senator Chris Murphy On The Way Forward For Brett Kavanaugh Confirmation | All In | MSNBC

Senator Chris Murphy On The Way Forward For Brett Kavanaugh Confirmation | All In...

Senator Chris Murphy, Democrat of Connecticut, on how the senate will function and move forward on Kavanaugh confirmation pending a new FBI investigation into the nominee. » Subscribe to MSNBC: http://on.msnbc.com/SubscribeTomsnbc About: MSNBC is the premier destination for in-depth analysis…
Senator Chris Murphy: History Isn't Kind To Collaborators | All In | MSNBC

Senator Chris Murphy: History Isn’t Kind To Collaborators | All In | MSNBC

The op-ed by an anonymous Trump administration official is an attempt to rationalize their service to the president, the Senator says. » Subscribe to MSNBC: http://on.msnbc.com/SubscribeTomsnbc About: MSNBC is the premier destination for in-depth analysis of daily headlines, insightful political…
Senator Chris Murphy On Impeachment And Delaying The Kavanaugh Hearing | All In | MSNBC

Senator Chris Murphy On Impeachment And Delaying The Kavanaugh Hearing | All In |...

Chris Hayes talks with Senator Chris Murphy about impeachment and delaying the Kavanaugh hearing. » Subscribe to MSNBC: http://on.msnbc.com/SubscribeTomsnbc About: MSNBC is the premier destination for in-depth analysis of daily headlines, insightful political commentary and informed perspectives. Reaching more than…
Dozens Of Children Killed In School Bus Bombing In Yemen | All In | MSNBC

Dozens Of Children Killed In School Bus Bombing In Yemen | All In |...

Senator Chris Murphy howls with outrage after a U.S.-backed coalition drops a bomb on school kids in Yemen -- leaving dozens dead. » Subscribe to MSNBC: http://on.msnbc.com/SubscribeTomsnbc About: MSNBC is the premier destination for in-depth analysis of daily headlines, insightful…
Senator Chris Murphy On SCOTUS: Not Just Roe v. Wade At Stake | Hardball | MSNBC

Senator Chris Murphy On SCOTUS: Not Just Roe v. Wade At Stake | Hardball...

What’s at stake with the new vacancy at the Supreme Court? Senator Murphy joins Hardball. » Subscribe to MSNBC: http://on.msnbc.com/SubscribeTomsnbc About: MSNBC is the premier destination for in-depth analysis of daily headlines, insightful political commentary and informed perspectives. Reaching more…

Trump’s ambassador to Germany suggests he will intervene in European politics to ’empower conservatives’

“There are a lot of conservatives throughout Europe who have contacted me to say they are feeling there is a resurgence going on,” ambassador Richard Grenell told the far-right publication Breitbart. As Slovenia became the latest European democracy to elevate a politician espousing a populist form of conservatism, Mr Grenell said he wanted to “empower other conservatives throughout Europe”. “I think there is a groundswell of conservative policies that are taking hold because of the failed policies of the left,” Mr Grenell said. Chris Murphy, a Connecticut senator who sits on the Foreign Relations Committee, tweeted that he found Mr Grenell’s Breitbart interview “awful” to read. “When I raised concerns to Grenell about politicising this post, he personally assured me that once he became Ambassador he would stay out of politics,” he said. “Ambassadors aren’t supposed to ‘empower’ any political party overseas.” An anti-establishment message intertwined with hostility to immigration helped propel Mr Trump to victory – themes that have reverberated through a string of European elections. Mr Grenell cited that precedent as helping to inform his mandate. He offered praise for Austrian chancellor Sebastian Kurz, calling him a “rock star”. The news organisation that ran the exclusive interview with Mr Grenell has itself helped to nourish the same political forces the ambassador said he would cultivate. Breitbart became a force in American politics through its rejection of mainstream Republicans and its focus on illegal immigration.

A collision of insider politics, open primaries and race

Then the chairman of the New Britain delegation, Bill Shortell, stepped forward to announce vote switches in his delegation, an integral part of every convention that allows, even encourages deal-making before the vote closes. Now, five days later as the Democrats open their two-day convention, a political debut that could have been a feel-good moment for Democrats, no matter who ultimately wins the nomination in a primary in August, has turned into something else, with angry questions from the NAACP about the motives for the vote-switching away from a black woman, resentment from some Glassman delegates about Murphy’s involvement — and just a whiff of a voting irregularity. Shortell had announced three vote switches Monday night. On Monday night, other delegations announced vote switches at the 5th District convention, a practice allowed by the rules and common to Democratic and Republican conventions in Connecticut, a state with a hybrid nominating system of conventions dominated by insiders and relatively open primaries. Winning enough votes to primary on that ballot, he released his delegates on the second. The voting system is simple: Each delegation chair has a form with the name of every delegate from their community. On Shortell’s paperwork, he identifies only one delegate, Peter Kochol, who switched from Hayes to Glassman. His explanation about how the vote switches came about was succinct: “The switchers made up their own mind.” Robert Berriault, who says he also switched his vote, said, “When it comes to close votes like that, you have to do what’s best for New Britain.” Glassman got the edge as a New Britain native. The problem is votes being switched with nobody’s name on that,” Esdaile said. “I’m a teacher.” Outside the state convention on Friday, Murphy wondered if the time had come to forgo conventions.