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Tag: Annie Lowrey

The Atlantic Politics & Policy Daily: Game of Sanctions

Written by Olivia Paschal (@oliviacpaschal) and Madeleine Carlisle (@maddiecarlisle2) Today in 5 Lines The Trump administration announced that the United States will reinstate sanctions on Iran that had previously been lifted under the Obama administration. Eight countries will receive temporary waivers allowing them to keep importing some oil from Iran. In a reversal from his comments Thursday, Trump said that U.S. troops will not shoot at migrants heading to the southern border if they throw rocks. The U.S. economy added 250,000 jobs in October, and the unemployment rate remained at 3.7 percent, a near 50-year low. Today on The Atlantic Mothers for Medicaid: In Georgia, where the mortality rate for black mothers and babies is one of the highest in the country, gubernatorial candidate Stacey Abrams is promising to expand Medicaid. Her embrace of the issue could make the difference in the governor's race. (Vann R. Newkirk II) What Voters Want: Health care is the single most important issue in the midterm elections, writes Annie Lowrey. How the Midterms Could Change North Carolina: The state’s Republican-controlled legislature is trying to change the constitution. (Susie Armitage, ProPublica) An Endless War: Earlier this week, the Trump administration called for a ceasefire in Yemen’s civil war. See which are likely to go Republican and which are likely to go Democratic.

The Atlantic Politics & Policy Daily: Tarrift

White House Chief of Staff John Kelly defended his handling of the domestic-abuse allegations against former Trump staffer Rob Porter and offered his own timeline of the episode. In a series of morning tweets, President Trump exchanged insults with comedian Alec Baldwin and defended his position on trade. Trump and Vice President Mike Pence attended the funeral for the late Reverend Billy Graham in Charlotte, North Carolina. Today on The Atlantic Promises, Promises: President Trump’s proposed tariffs on foreign steel and aluminum are intended to protect American jobs and strengthen national security. They’ll probably fail on both fronts. (Annie Lowrey) Can’t Have Both: President Trump will have to choose between limiting low-skill immigration or restricting trade. (Reihan Salam) Keep Out: Greenfield, Massachusetts has successfully fought to keep Walmart from moving into town. : Trump ally Carl Icahn reportedly sold $31.3 million in stock in a company dependent on steel, just days before Trump announced his plans to impose tariffs on steel imports. This week, we asked you which world leader you’d invite to the White House for a formal visit. “Our country needs someone like her to help us out of the mess we are in at this time.” A few people said they’d invite the leaders of Canada and Mexico together.