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New York Today: Your Fall Political Preview

Mr. Cuomo has a 30-point lead over Ms. Nixon in every poll, but in several races this year, the polls have been notably wrong. Ms. James, the New York City public advocate, is backed by the Democratic Party in New York. “She has widely been seen as the front-runner,” Mr. Goldmacher said, “but in a televised debate last week, everyone was focused on Zephyr Teachout, who won the endorsement of The New York Times’s editorial board and seems to have some new energy in her campaign.” He added: “The attorney general’s race is getting less attention, but don’t forget that this is one of the single races of most interest to President Trump in the country because of all the investigation potential into his businesses and foundation.” Lieutenant Governor: Kathy Hochul is the lieutenant governor, and her Democratic challenger is Jumaane Williams. “Hi, excuse me.” I said, “Would you mind pulling up a bit so I could squeeze in behind you?” No response. He pulled the Jeep up, and I backed into the empty spot easily. Turning off the ignition, I decided to ask the man if he would evaluate my parking job. As I approached the Jeep, the man was reaching out the window with his hand open. You can thank New York for that. Many had indeed enjoyed a full turkey dinner.” The honor system seemed to work well for the company, until it didn’t. For New York Today updates throughout the day, like us on Facebook.