The Panama Canal and El Nino

The Story:

On November 3, 2023, the Panama Canal Authority announced additional vessel reductions as it grapples with a severe drought, impacting global trade flow. Here’s a concise overview of this significant development:

Key Points:

  • Drought Impact: The Panama Canal, vital for global trade, is reducing daily transits from 29 to 25 ships due to a severe drought caused by an El Nino weather system.
  • Progressive Reduction: In the coming weeks, the canal’s daily transits will further decrease, reaching 18 ships a day in February, representing 40%-50% of full capacity.
  • Trade Disruptions: The drought and vessel reductions are causing major disruptions in trade flow, with delays reported in shipping containers going through the canal to U.S. East Coast ports, particularly affecting the Port of Charleston.
  • Global Commerce Affected: The canal’s significance in global commerce is evident, impacting various sectors, including energy, agriculture, and container shipping. Liquefied natural gas (LNG) exports from the U.S. to Asia and agricultural products face delays.


The Panama Canal’s decision to implement vessel reductions reflects the severity of the drought crisis, impacting not only the efficiency of the canal but also causing ripple effects across global trade routes. Stay informed as we continue to monitor developments in this evolving situation.

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