Trump Protege Wins a Republican Primary in Ohio

The Story:

On Tuesday, August 3, Republicans voted in a primary to determine their party’s nominee for a vacant House seat for Ohio’s 15th district, covering an area south of Columbus and east of Dayton. They selected Mike Carey out of a crowded field. Given the Republican advantage in the district, Carey will likely win the general election in November.


The seat is open because the incumbent, Rep. Steve Stivers, resigned the office in May to become the president of the Ohio Chamber of Commerce.

Former President Donald Trump supported Mike Carey. Some of Carey’s opponents in the primary also had headline-name backers. For example, Jeff LaRe, Carey’s closest contender, had received an endorsement from former Rep. Stivers, and another candidate, Ron Hood, had the blessings of controversial US congressman Rand Paul.

Former President Trump has demanded that  Rep. Paul apologize for his independence of thought on this matter: specifically as he wrote “for spending nearly $1 million on another candidate in Ohio’s 15th … after I had already endorsed Mike Carey?”

The Thing to Know:

In all the drama over the former President’s efforts to serve as Kingmaker, one striking fact about Carey, the prospective new Congressman, has gone almost unnoticed. He is a former lobbyist for the coal industry.

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