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How To Navigate Politics In The Workplace Ahead Of The Midterm Elections

A recent study by Randstad U.S. shows that the political climate is impacting stress at work as well as employee engagement and retention. Randstad U.S. found that 64% of people say political discussions at work have grown more heated over the past five to 10 years and 72% feel stressed or anxious when heated arguments occur. Here are a few ways to navigate the stress of politics in the workplace: Get clear on your work When things get heated, minimize other common causes of job stress and burnout. More than 35% of employees say they don’t know what’s expected of them at work. The power of sleep is one of the many reasons I’m so passionate about bridging the gap between sleep and career development in the theory and practice of career coaching. Think about how the disagreement relates to an area of your career development plan. If you don't have a career development plan, then it's time to get one to give yourself direction for the remainder of the year and into 2019. Working with a coach is an efficient way to develop self-concepts and research how your values align with company values. Heated political discussions can also turn individuals into office bullies and even cause you to feel undermined. The goal of career burnout coaching is to help you address your cause of burnout by implementing coping mechanisms that are proven to improve the way you think, feel and perform at work.