Sunday, May 5, 2024
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Tag: Where I Live

The Texanist: How Do I Talk Politics With My Friends in West Texas?

I consider West Texas my home and enjoy occasional trips back for high school reunions and such, but due to the political winds blowing in such a different direction from where I live now, I’ve had second thoughts about returning. I am concerned that some of my friends, especially when lubricated with libations, might want to talk politics and I’d rather not. The Democratic Party once dominated here, but the last time more Texans voted for a Democratic presidential candidate than a Republican one was in 1976, when the Texanist was a ten-year-old and you were about to depart for northeastern climes. Only 27 out of a possible 254 counties voted for Hillary Clinton. Roberts County, way up at the tip-top of the Panhandle, is even said to be the most pro–Donald Trump county in the country. The winds in your current home blow solidly blue. Massachusetts went with Clinton over Trump 60 percent to 33 percent. The Texanist did not know that.) At the end of the day, we’re all Texans (even Texans who happen to currently reside in the Northeast), and we all hail from the place whose official motto is “Friendship.” As long as that mantle is lived up to, no matter the winds that fill your sails, we’ll all be better off. The Texanist foresees your visit with old West Texas friends going smoothly.