Saturday, May 4, 2024
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Tag: Victor Trumper

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Is Making All the Right People Crazy

I admit, I was dubious about AOC. She literally danced in their faces, and then she danced in their faces again. She will make rookie mistakes. AOC is young, vital, outspoken, and a woman. Through all the hype, AOC recently has thrown herself headlong into one of the most vital domestic issues of the day: the fight to roll back the economic snake-oil first injected into our national politics by Ronald Reagan. In an interview with Anderson Cooper, she proposed a top marginal tax rate of 70 percent, or 20 percent lower than that which existed under Eisenhower, but 20 points higher than it was after JFK's tax cut, and almost 30 points higher than it is now after nearly 40 years of Laffer-curved fairy tales. But misspeaking doesn't make you Sarah Palin, and fudging numbers and barbering facts doesn't make you Donald Trump. If the latter were the case, then one could argue that Max Boot was Trumpian before Trump, since he threw himself behind a case made from fudged numbers and barbered facts that got us lied into a war in Iraq. If they're weren't, then AOC isn't, either. She's making all the right people crazy, and that's a good thing.