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Tag: United States Department of Justice Office of the Inspector General

Andrew McCabe, the Justice Department’s Jussie Smollett

Just like his boss and hero former FBI Director James Comey, former FBI deputy director Andrew McCabe has written a Trump-trashing book. Truth means nothing. He's worse than Comey. It barely matters to his interviewers that he was fired from the top of the FBI for ... allegedly lying his face off to the FBI. While the media relish the idea of jail time for Trump aides caught lying to investigators, this man gets a red carpet and a pat on the back. McCabe's book tour has created headlines like this, from a CNN interview: "McCabe: It's Possible Trump Is a Russian Asset." Thirty minutes on CBS' "60 Minutes," 15 minutes on NPR's "Morning Edition," 24 minutes on ABC's "The View," an hour on NPR's "Fresh Air," 30 minutes on CNN's "Anderson Cooper 360," 40 minutes on MSNBC's "The Last Word with Lawrence O'Donnell," 20 minutes on CBS' "Late Show With Stephen Colbert." McCabe despises Trump. The media love McCabe. McCabe's lying under oath also drew several minutes on NPR's "Morning Edition," and even then, NPR cut the interview into two segments and eagerly promoted the other half -- the Trump-and-Russia half.