Sunday, May 5, 2024
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Tag: United Kingdom–United States relations

Power politics exact steep price

You can waste a lot of time in speculation and argument on how we have come to such a ridiculous -- and dangerous -- moment, but one hopes that Congress finds a solution this week which makes sense of what has become a needlessly tangled situation. If he vetoes it, override the veto. Of course, that overlooks political reality. Our president would not react graciously to a defeat. His whole persona centers on a conviction that he must always "win." His fragile nature cannot handle such a public rejection. The Republicans are stuck. If they oppose Trump, they run a very real risk of losing to primary opponents. Meanwhile, the country’s attention has been diverted by accusations of racial insensitivity and sexual aggression in the state of Virginia involving the governor, lieutenant governor, and attorney general. Such action would elevate the Republican leader of Virginia’s House of Delegates to the governor’s chair.