Monday, May 6, 2024
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Tag: Trades Union Congress

The disastrous effect of neoliberalism on Britain

Congratulations to Mike Carter on raising such important issues (The country I walked through deserves better than Brexit, 11 February). My husband, Colin Barnett, was – like Mike’s father – also instrumental in organising the People’s March for Jobs, as the then north-west regional secretary of the Trades Union Congress. His deep belief in trying to improve their pay and working conditions meant he tirelessly spent time travelling to their places of work, talking to them and persuading them to join the union. Why has it taken until now to realise how neglected many communities, especially outside the south of England, have become? What was the Labour party doing supporting contracting out when it was obvious that savings were made by reducing the pay and terms and conditions of the low-paid? Why was removing control and assets from democratically elected local authorities to establish academy schools pursued? I have banged on about this publication to the annoyance of friends, family and colleagues ever since I read it. We all need to read this book – it is a page-turning thriller. I was old enough, however, to see the destruction of houses and factories during that time. Victor Gilbert Pathhead, Midlothian • Re Mike Carter’s references to neoliberalism, some remainers are prone to accusing Brexiters of being dyed-in-the-wool neoliberals.