Friday, May 3, 2024
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Tag: Todd Pillion

Editorial: One-party politics in Southwest Virginia

That news was big enough as is, but it was compounded by the curious timing — Carrico’s announcement came after the deadline for candidates to file for the Republican nomination. Todd Pillion, R-Washington, who had been tipped off by Carrico, had already filed. Ken Heath found out Carrico was leaving just 30 minutes before the filing deadline and that the paperwork to seek the nomination had to be filed in person with the party’s district chairman. It’s a good thing for Heath, who’s from Marion, that he lived so close to the district chairman. This already-Republican district is becoming even more Republican. Bottom line: We have a retiring legislator handing his seat over to his preferred successor without the benefit of a competitive election. The reality is we have relatively few competitive districts in the state. Right now, there are just two state senators who live west of the Roanoke Valley —Carrico and Ben Chafin, R-Russell. Come next year, that’s likely to be Pillion and Chafin. Except maybe for the part about the sword.