Sunday, May 26, 2024
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Women should get involved in public service, politics

We, the past state presidents of the Montana Business and Professional Women's Organization, encourage women to consider involving themselves in public service and politics. The only way we can change that is to continue to work respectfully for morality and civility. It has taken decades to earn our rights and respect in many circles; therefore, we must fight against what we could possibly lose, such as Social Security, Medicare, wages, education, medical services, freedom of speech and privacy. Stay focused, keep notes, attend lectures, read the editorial page and world news columns in newspapers, work on your goal every day, educate yourself. Discipline yourself, schedule time, read books and magazines, and talk to people in your arena of interest. Be strong, be informed, know what you are talking about and your opinion will be respected. Volunteer in political campaigns, attend political meetings, call your state representatives, your governor or your mayor to ask if you can volunteer. You could also include writing letters in the newspaper. You may also contact any of the undersigned for help in your decision-making. You are stronger than you know.