Sunday, May 12, 2024
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Tag: tech|companies|amazon

Are Jeff Bezos' privacy invasion claims against National Enquirer hypocritical?

Are Jeff Bezos’ privacy invasion claims against National Enquirer hypocritical?

Amazon CEO accuses National Inquirer of extortion and blackmail; Government Accountability Institute president Peter Schweizer weighs in on tech giants and privacy concerns.
Confessions of an Amazon worker forced to sleep in her car

Confessions of an Amazon worker forced to sleep in her car

Shannon Allen is an injured Amazon employee paid so low, she is forced to live and sleep in her car. She tells her story to #Tucker
Critic to Tucker: Why your attacks on Amazon are Un-American

Critic to Tucker: Why your attacks on Amazon are Un-American

'Tech Tyranny': Amazon is a trillion dollar company, but despite that mammoth valuation many of its workers aren't even making it into the middle class, and instead remain dependent on government programs to survive. One talk show host thinks 'Tucker…