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Politics Briefing: What you need to know about federal budget 2018

The federal finances are largely what was expected, with the government projecting an $18.1-billion deficit for the coming fiscal year, with no timeline for returning to a surplus. The budget also pours roughly half a billion dollars more into research funding, which amounts to the largest increase to fundamental science ever. For more on what's in the budget, read our explainer outlining 12 things you need to know. Still, the fact is that the government is doing neither. "When one of our top diplomats and security officials says something to Canadians, it is because they know it to be true," Mr. Trudeau told the House. "We cannot continue to lose that kind of money with one country. That's how U.S. President Donald Trump has described Canada in recent days, escalating his rhetoric of Canada as manipulator when it comes to trade. "Our party is bigger than one person." This legislation is only the beginning. Guns are also deeply embedded in American culture.