Sunday, June 30, 2024
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Tag: Science & Technology

DeGrasse Tyson: We have to believe science on climate change

DeGrasse Tyson: We have to believe science on climate change

Neil DeGrasse Tyson talks to CNN's Van Jones about the latest climate change warning and the intersection of science with the military and politics. #CNN #degrassetyson #vanjones #climatechange
New video of Hurricane Florence’s massive eyewall

New video of Hurricane Florence’s massive eyewall

With a Category 4 hurricane rapidly approaching and weather officials issuing a hurricane warning for more than 300 miles of coastline, more than 1 million people faced a choice Tuesday: stay home and take their chances with the storm, or…
The Great Pyramid's newest mystery

The Great Pyramid’s newest mystery

Using cutting-edge technology, scientists have detected a previously undiscovered void inside Egypt's Great Pyramid. It's just the latest of many mysteries held within the pyramid's walls. Go inside the last surviving wonder of the ancient world and see for yourself.
deGrasse Tyson: Trump's 'Space Force' not a weird idea

deGrasse Tyson: Trump’s ‘Space Force’ not a weird idea

Astrophysicist Neil deGrasse Tyson says President Donald Trump's idea to create a "space force" is not a fundamentally flawed idea if the US Air Force, which currently manages all the US GPS and space capabilities, feels overwhelmed and can no…
Trump directs formation of a Space Force

Trump directs formation of a Space Force

President Donald Trump directed the formation of a new military branch dedicated to fighting in outer space, called Space Force, that would be separate but equal to the the US Air Force during a meeting of his National Space Council.
Tech workers flee US, blame Trump's immigration uncertainty

Tech workers flee US, blame Trump’s immigration uncertainty

The Trump administration's expected tightening of the H1B visas, which have long benefited foreign workers in the US tech industry, has triggered a new wave of reverse immigration in China. Chinese tech engineers and entrepreneurs are returning to their homeland…