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Kennedy says morals should match politics

Still, she said the recent revelation is no surprise, given the prevalence of the problem in society and she said she’s disappointed that the alleged offender, chief policy director Jim Swiderski, was not held accountable. “This isn’t a women’s issue, this is a man’s issue,” she said, and believes that progress will be possible only when men understand their role in the solution. For Kennedy, there is a moral concern, as well, over the Trump administration’s treatment of undocumented immigrants and refugees. Immigrants are who we are.” On healthcare, Kennedy favors bolstering the existing Affordable Care Act, while supporting a phased transition to a universal, single-payer system. She said she favors allowing Americans to immediately qualify for full Medicare at age 62 and lowering that eligibility age to 58 within two-to-three years. She has joined some other congressional candidates in calling for a Green New Deal as part of any infrastructure plan, in order to reorient the economy toward a more sustainable direction. “I call on my fellow constituents to stand with me against fast-tracking legislation on any issue to circumvent public involvement to the benefit of multinational corporations who do not have the best interests of Minnesota’s Eighth Congressional District citizens in mind,” she said. We also need to make sure that Congress doesn’t legislatively overreach by preempting citizens from their due process by circumventing the state and the court system.” Kennedy’s position shift on the most divisive issue in the race somewhat alters the dynamics of the race. And as the sole breadwinner for her family of five, she said she has to continue to work two jobs to make ends meet. “I don’t have the luxury of being retired, or being able to take 18 days to drive around the district,” she said.