Sunday, May 12, 2024
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Tag: quebec city

Session nastiness a peek into Sask.’s pre-election politics

A budget 19 months in advance of the next provincial election campaign should be starting to give us a clue as to what that campaign will be about. Scott Moe and Ryan Meili may not personally dislike each other. Why Moe wouldn’t do this anyway is confounding. After all, the Sask. This week, the right thing for Moe would have been to at least start messaging that extreme views like the ones we are seeing on the yellow vest Facebook page are both unwanted and actually detrimental to the Sask. One gets why there may be a burning desire in the Sask. Party’s political ads. But in end, it was Eyre, Moe and the Sask. If the Sask. There again, maybe this is just what Saskatchewan politics is destined to be like for the next 19 months.
Tensions escalate between Trump, world leaders ahead of G7

Tensions escalate between Trump, world leaders ahead of G7

Trump takes aim at 'unfair' trade deals before departing for Canada; Kevin Corke reports from Quebec. FOX News Channel (FNC) is a 24-hour all-encompassing news service dedicated to delivering breaking news as well as political and business news. The number…