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Trey Gowdy: I am 'heartbroken' for Epstein's victims

Trey Gowdy: I am ‘heartbroken’ for Epstein’s victims

Former Congressman Trey Gowdy says he is heartbroken for the victims that were denied the opportunity to see justice served. FOX News operates the FOX News Channel (FNC), FOX Business Network (FBN), FOX News Radio, FOX News Headlines 24/7,…
FBI investigating incidents surrounding Epstein's apparent suicide

FBI investigating incidents surrounding Epstein’s apparent suicide

Accused sexual abuser Jeffrey Epstein was found dead in his jail cell by apparent suicide. Epstein faced up to 45 years in prison if convicted; Bryan Llenas reports. FOX News operates the FOX News Channel (FNC), FOX Business Network (FBN),…
Federal Government To Resume Death Penalty After 16 Years | Hallie Jackson | MSNBC

Federal Government To Resume Death Penalty After 16 Years | Hallie Jackson | MSNBC

The Department of Justice has decided to resume the death penalty for inmates on death row for the first time in decades. NBC's Pete Williams has details on the decision. » Subscribe to MSNBC: MSNBC delivers breaking news, in-depth…
Live: Trump leads prison reform summit, celebrates First Step Act

Live: Trump leads prison reform summit, celebrates First Step Act

LIVE at 5:30pm ET: President Trump hosts a White House summit on prison reform. FOX News operates the FOX News Channel (FNC), FOX Business Network (FBN), FOX News Radio, FOX News Headlines 24/7, and the direct-to-consumer streaming service, FOX…

He Was Imprisoned And Losing His Mind. ‘Anna Karenina’ Saved Him

Mohamed Barud was a 31-year-old newlywed when he was sentenced to life in prison in Somalia. Read and listen to stories in the series here. In the silence, Mohamed is thinking about his young wife, Ismahan. Two years into their prison sentence, the doctor is called into the warden's office for his first change of clothes. The story of Anna Karenina is the story of a young, Russian noblewoman married to a man much older than herself. But Mohamed realizes his tears are not just for Anna: "That's when I remembered my wife .... How much she's suffering. When she heard Mohamed's story and how he credited the book with changing his perspective, she had a strong reaction: "I think that's related to the book. That's what Batuman thinks that Tolstoy's book gave to Mohamed. Here's what Mohamed says: "It definitely helped. Tell us about a book that has helped you through a difficult time.

New Congolese President Pardons About 700 Political Prisoners

The new president of the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Felix Tshisekedi, signed a decree Wednesday pardoning about 700 political prisoners and fulfilling a promise he made in his inaugural address in January. The conciliatory gesture frees political opponents imprisoned by Tshisekedi's predecessor, Joseph Kabila, who had governed the central African nation for 18 years. Tshisekedi was elected president of the DR Congo in a disputed election last December which some foreign observers, including the Catholic Church, said favored opposition leader Martin Fayulu. Tshisekedi's inauguration marked the first peaceful transfer of power in that country since 1960. In a ceremony in Kinshasa late last week, Tshisekedi also promised to allow political exiles to return home. "I will actively work to create the conditions for the early return of compatriots who are currently outside the country for political reasons to carry out their activities in accordance with the law and republican institutions," said Tshisekedi as quoted by Africanews. Among the pardoned are Firmin Yangambi, who has already served 19 years of a 20-year sentence on the charge that he was a threat to national security, and opposition leader Franck Diongo who was sentenced to five years in prison, according to the Associated Press.

Fiona Onasanya could wear tag in parliament after release from jail

Fiona Onasanya is expected to become the first MP to vote while wearing an electronic tag after being released from prison. The MP for Peterborough could return to parliament for a crucial Brexit vote on Wednesday after serving a month of her sentence for perverting the course of justice. Onasanya, who was expelled by the Labour party, was driven out of HMP Bronzefield in Ashford, Surrey, on Tuesday morning. She is appealing against her conviction at a hearing scheduled for 5 March. She insisted, before she was jailed, that she would continue to represent her constituents while maintaining her innocence. Following her conviction on 19 December, she has voted 12 times in the Commons. Whether she is able to vote on Wednesday will depend in part on the terms of her curfew. A prison sentence of at least 12 months is required for the automatic removal of an MP under parliamentary rules. Onasanya is expected to have to obey strict conditions as part of her early release. Festus Onasanya was sentenced to 10 months in prison after he pleaded guilty to three counts of perverting the course of justice over speeding, including in relation to the 24 July incident.
Accused Russian spy speaks out from prison

Accused Russian spy speaks out from prison

In audio tapes from and interview with alleged Russian spy Maria Butina, the gun activist shares she's shocked at how she's been treated in the US and denies being a spy. CNN's Brian Todd reports. #CNN #News #Russian

Special Counsel Recommends No Prison Time for Michael Flynn, Calling His Cooperation ‘Substantial’

(WASHINGTON) — President Donald Trump’s former national security adviser provided so much information to the special counsel’s Russia investigation that prosecutors say he shouldn’t do any prison time, according to a court filing Tuesday that describes Michael Flynn’s cooperation as “substantial.” The filing by special counsel Robert Mueller provides the first details of Flynn’s assistance in the Russia investigation, including that he participated in 19 interviews with prosecutors. This week, Trump lashed out at his former legal fixer, Michael Cohen, saying he is making up “stories” to get a reduced prison sentence after his latest guilty plea to lying to Congress. That episode is among those under scrutiny by Mueller as he probes whether Trump attempted to obstruct the Russia investigation. Most notably, Trump’s former campaign chairman, Paul Manafort, aggressively fought the investigation and is now facing the possibility of a lengthy prison sentence after his cooperation agreement recently fell apart over allegations that he had lied to investigators. Stone has also waged a public campaign against Mueller. Flynn’s false statements stemmed from a Jan. 24, 2017, interview with the FBI about his and others’ interactions with Sergey Kislyak, Russia’s then-ambassador to the U.S., as the Obama administration was levying sanctions on the Kremlin in response to election interference. As part of his plea deal, Flynn said members of Trump’s inner circle, including his son-in-law and White House aide Jared Kushner, were involved in — and at times directing — his actions in the weeks before Trump took office. During those conversations with Kislyak, Flynn asked Russia to delay or vote against the resolution, a request the Kremlin ultimately rejected. Flynn was forced to resign his post on Feb. 13, 2017, after news reports revealed that Obama administration officials had warned the Trump White House about Flynn’s false statements. Flynn was under investigation by the Justice Department for the work when he became national security adviser.

Ex-Trump campaign adviser George Papadopoulos reports to Wisconsin prison

Former Trump campaign foreign policy adviser George Papadopoulos reported to a federal prison in Oxford, Wisconsin, Monday after a federal judge rejected his last-minute bid to delay his two-week sentence. Papadopoulos was sentenced in September for lying to the FBI in the Russia investigation. But in a 13-page opinion Sunday, U.S. District Court Judge Randolph Moss said Papadopoulos waited too long to contest his sentence. Moss noted that Papadopoulos agreed not to appeal in most circumstances as part of his plea agreement, and the judge said the challenge to Mueller's appointment was unlikely to be successful in the U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit. Papadopoulos had filed an initial motion on Nov. 16, nearly two months after the deadline for appealing his conviction or sentence. He followed up with a request to delay his sentence pending that motion on Nov. 21, the day before Thanksgiving. In recent months, he has spent many nights posting on Twitter, as has his wife, venting anger about the FBI and insisting he was framed by the government. He also has offered to testify before the Senate's intelligence committee, which is investigating Russian interference in the 2016 election, if he's granted immunity or other conditions. His lawyer argued that the appellate case could constitute new evidence that could allow him to mount a challenge. Papadopoulos, the first Trump campaign aide sentenced in Mueller's investigation, triggered the initial Russia investigation two years ago.