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Tag: Paul Gosar

Family ties are no match for Trump’s divisive politics

These days, office-seekers might be advised to watch their backs. In Arizona, a campaign ad released Friday features six men and women denouncing Republican Rep. Paul A. Gosar. The congressman on Saturday tweeted of his brothers and sisters, “like leftists everywhere, they put political ideology before family. In Wisconsin, a police officer, James Bryce, has appeared in an ad attacking the Democratic candidate running to replace retiring Republican Rep. Paul D. Ryan, the House speaker. He’s talking about his brother, Randy Bryce. Wisconsin is also where the parents of Republican Senate candidate Kevin Nicholson each donated the maximum to the campaign of . Nearly a century ago, in 1920, Theodore Roosevelt Jr., son of the late president, enthusiastically campaigned for Republican presidential candidate Warren Harding; Harding’s Democratic opponent was James Cox, whose running mate was Roosevelt’s cousin, Franklin. FDR denounced his cousin’s “wretched record” as assistant secretary of the Navy in the Harding administration. The first woman elected to the House from Minnesota, Knutson had won in 1954 over the opposition of her Democratic-Farmer-Labor party. As political tactic, exploiting family splits is tempting.