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Support for Labour and Tories neck and neck after party conferences

Labour has recovered three points since the end of last week. Voters strongly back ‘trustworthy’ May as Johnson’s leadership bid backfires Read more The poll, taken after Theresa May’s conference speech, revealed that her personal approval rating rose from -14% to -12% since last week. Meanwhile Jeremy Corbyn’s personal rating fell from -18% to -20%. In her conference speech she sought to drive a wedge between moderate Labour voters and Jeremy Corbyn’s leadership. Of the two party leaders, 25% of respondents said they thought May had performed best during the conference season, while 20% thought Corbyn had. He said he was determined “to rebuild our economy, communities and public services, but also to democratise them, and change the way our economic system is run in the interests of the majority”. Among Tory supporters this figure rose to 87%. The latest poll findings are a boon for May’s leadership, because they place her ahead of both Corbyn and her Tory rival Boris Johnson – 43% of respondents said they thought that May has the nation’s best interests at heart, compared with 38% for Corbyn and only 30% for Johnson. The figures suggest that Johnson’s star appeal, which drew long queues of conference delegates to watch his speech, does not translate into broader political support among Tory voters. Opinium’s findings are based on a survey of 2,007 adults online.