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Tag: Partisan (political)

Cobb Commission race a mix of local issues, partisan politics

The incumbent northeast Cobb commissioner, a Republican, faces a Democratic challenger for the first time this November in a sign the district is becoming more competitive for liberal candidates. Meanwhile, an independent write-in candidate is seeking to offer a third way to voters turned off by the partisan divide on a national and local level. But they also see the potential impact of broader political allegiances and trends on the outcome of the race. “The average voter on both sides are either going to vote ‘R’ and like Donald Trump or are going to vote ‘D’ because they’re angry at Donald Trump,” said Brown, who leans Democratic but has endorsed Birrell. “People know me,” Birrell said. Democrat Holko, who homeschools her children and previously worked in the nonprofit sector, is running on a platform of support for public services like transit and libraries, which have been targeted for cuts over the years by fiscal conservatives. By way of example, Holko pointed to recent disputes with the Atlanta Braves over costs associated with the publicly-financed stadium. Birrell voted in favor of the Braves deal and the most recent settlement ending that dispute. Pond, the write-in independent candidate, said he’s not soliciting donations at all and has filed paperwork to that effect. “When people are putting party over principle, they’re doing it on a local level and a national level,” Pond said.

Family feud: Partisanship creating political division between relatives — Bobby Goodlatte (@rsg) August 13, 2018 Kellyanne Conway’s husband is a critic of Trump What happens when you combine an outspoken critic of Trump and a White House advisor? — George Conway (@gtconway3d) August 14, 2018 This is not the first time the lawyer has tweeted about the president. Rhode Island father and son compete -- against each other Need to settle a family political dispute? Registered under the same home address, David Quiroa Sr., 47, and David Quiroa Jr., 22, are running for the Rhode Island House seat. According to the Associated Press, the two tend to argue over Trump’s presidency. “It’ll be interesting, for sure,” Quiroa Jr. told The Associated Press. “What better way to argue with my father than on the political level? Even if it’s to motivate to stop him.” This will be the second time Quiroa Sr. will run for the seat after losing the primary over a decade ago. Parents fund son’s opposing candidate Earlier this year, Kevin Nicholson announced his Senate bid to run for the Republican nomination of Wisconsin -- and among his financial adversaries were none other than his parents. However, Nicholson told ABC News he was not surprised by his parent's actions.

Partisan politics affected selection of SCCC trustee

Burrell, who among his many qualifications is currently in his third, four-year term as a trustee at Centenary University, last year submitted his name for consideration to fill a seat on the Sussex County Community College Board of Trustees. The committee also recommended two other candidates to fill unexpired partial-term seats. The partial-term candidates were approved by the county's appointing authority (the county administrator) with the advice and consent of the Board of Chosen Freeholders. It wasn't presented to them because the freeholder director at the time, Carl Lazzaro, who had control of the meeting agenda for the all-Republican freeholder board, determined Burrell, who at the time was serving as campaign chairman for Dan Perez's Democratic run for freeholder, had "turned into something political." He has also served as chairman of the Sussex County Democratic Committee. But when Burrell's selection came up, Lazzaro recalled this week, "we were in the middle of a very contentious campaign," including Perez vs. Republican Herb Yardley for one open seat on the freeholder board. Interestingly, Perez previously had been appointed by the Republican freeholders in 2014 to fill out an unexpired term as a college trustee. This apparent slight to Burrell (as well as to the citizen selection committee that unanimously recommended him) recently came to light, and despite Lazzaro's comment that there was "no intrigue" at the time to what he did, it is a blatant example of partisan preference and certainly raises questions about the appointment process, if not the criteria to be a trustee. Burrell said he was never informed that he had been recommended for a SCCC trustee seat, much less that his candidacy somehow had been "not acceptable." Aware that the college was again looking for qualified candidates for its board, Burrell has resubmitted his name.

The central axiom of partisan politics

Editor’s note: The following Charles Krauthammer column was originally published on July 26, 2002. To understand the workings of American politics, you have to understand this fundamental law: Conservatives think liberals are stupid. Liberals think conservatives are evil. Social media storm The Islam Party has sparked a strong reaction from Belgian politicians on social media. The separation of men and women has been condemned and Sharia law criticised as a violation of human rights. "We can not ban a political party even if this party advocates extreme ideas because the political landscape has enough room for all these parties." Media: Euronews Liberals believe that human nature is fundamentally good. They think conservatives are mean. When Republicans unexpectedly took control of the House of Representatives in 1994, conventional wisdom immediately attributed this disturbance in the balance of the cosmos to the vote of the “angry white male.” The “angry white male” was a legend, but a necessary one. “Because Bush seemed personally pleasant,” explained Slate, “(they) assumed his politics lay near the political center.” What else could one assume?

The central axiom of partisan politics: what conservatives and liberals believe

Liberals think conservatives are evil. I'm not a robot reCAPTCHA Privacy - Terms Liberals believe that human nature is fundamentally good. How about this wild theory: If you lock up the criminals, crime declines. They think conservatives are mean. Liberals, who have no head (see above), believe that conservatives have no heart. The "angry white male" was thus a legend, but a necessary one. Both apparently represent the "angry right." A classic of the genre - liberal amazement when it finds conservatism coexisting with human decency in whatever form - is the New York Times news story speaking with unintended candor about bioethicist Leon Kass: "Critics of Dr. Kass' views call him a neoconservative thinker. Neoconservative but thoughtful and dignified. "Because Bush seemed personally pleasant," explained Slate, "(they) assumed his politics lay near the political center."

Brown, Spering square off on partisan politics of federal budget, Meals on Wheels

FAIRFIELD — Solano County Supervisor Monica Brown made a not-so-subtle push for Californians to vote for Democrats for Congress at a recent Board of Supervisors meeting. The topic was the potential loss of federal Meals on Wheels funding starting in 2019-20, and Supervisor Erin Hannigan’s urging for the board to send a letter to Congress to support the program and continue to fund it. The grant program is being eliminated entirely by the Trump administration. The budget is $1.2 million, the majority of which is public funds, including additional Community Development Block Grant funds from Fairfield and Vallejo, Hartmann said. There is also a waiting list of 103 residents. “There is a reason that you register to vote and vote,” Brown said. “Because if you look at the original proposed budget, all the Democrats in California voted against and all of the Republicans voted for, and that was the beginning of the cut for Meals on Wheels,” said Brown, who added that she made her comments as an editorial. “You know, for you to say all Republicans voted (for the Meals on Wheels cuts), that’s really, that’s outrageous,” Spering said. Spering said in September he was “insulted” by a resolution brought to the board by Brown to declare Solano a “safe haven.” “I want to be judged by my actions. Brown lost that fight, as none of her board colleagues were willing to even second her motion to adopt the resolution.

In Maine, a voting experiment could have real consequences for partisan politics

The initiative, known as ranked-choice voting, allows voters to rank up to three candidates, in order of preference, when marking their ballots (imagine marking the first choice with a 1, second choice with a 2, and so on). That’s because Maine’s Constitution explicitly states that a candidate only needs a plurality of votes (meaning more than any other candidate), and not a majority of votes, to win an election. On Wednesday, a Kennebec County Superior Court judge ordered Maine Secretary of State Matt Dunlap to reconfigure primary ballots to use the ranked-choice system. As even the judge wrote in her order this week “uncertainty that halting the ranked-choice voting implementation process at this late date is significant.” First, there is the matter of explaining to voters how the process will work. Add to that the fact that the Maine’s Constitution currently requires that a winner only have a plurality, and the legal challenges could be significant. The governor’s race is the most significant race on the ballot there and also features the largest field — four Republicans and seven Democrats on their respective party primary ballots. It asks whether this new ranked choice voting system should be delayed for a few more years, to give the state Legislature more time to address constitutional questions. As often happens, several races will have three strong candidates in the general election. Already that means that ranked choice could have an impact in both statewide races in Maine. Maine voters this week got the legal go-ahead to try ranked-choice voting or "instant run-off voting," which allows voters to rank up to three candidates, in order of preference, when marking their ballots.

Hickenlooper discusses marijuana, White House, partisan politics at Georgetown

John Hickenlooper said Democrats and Republicans should look to the soda industry as a way to improve modern political discourse. “Coke hates Pepsi. Pepsi hates Coke — but you see don’t Coke doing attack ads against Pepsi” or vice versa, Hickenlooper said. As part of the discussion, the governor also mentioned two conversations he’s had with U.S. Attorney General Jeff Sessions about marijuana. Kim Reynolds. But the state’s status as an early bellweather in presidential races did not go unnoticed in political circles. Republican Gov. He said he liked the “symbolism of it” but that it wasn’t feasible, given the reality of presidential politics — in which big donors support not just people but the parties they represent. “It just won’t happen,” said Hickenlooper, who also swatted away questions about his own presidential ambitions. On Wednesday, Hickenlooper was in New York City for a round of media hits that included MSNBC, Cheddar, Rolling Stone and Politico, according to his staff.

Letter: We need a representative who’ll reject partisan politics

Representative Mark DeSaulnier voted no on a bill beneficial to all Californians, the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act of 2017. He not only opposed this bill, but deliberately misrepresented it to his constituents. Ninety-five percent of taxpayers will benefit, including those in high tax states impacted more by deduction limits. Offsetting deduction limits, taxes at every level are reduced, the standard deduction is doubled and everyone will enjoy a lower marginal tax bracket making each dollar earned worth more. The AMT has been permanently fixed so that it impacts only the wealthiest as it was originally intended. Long overdue changes to corporate taxes will make companies globally competitive and invigorate our economy. We need an honest representative who will reject petty partisan politics. That person is clearly not Mark DeSaulnier. I respectfully ask DeSaulnier to resign so that we can be elect someone who will put our interests first. Thomas Nelson Danville Submit your letter to the editor via this form Read more Letters to the Editor