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Op-ed: Without Columbus there would be no Latinos

Op-ed: Without Columbus there would be no Latinos

Writer and former attorney Jennifer Braceras explains.
Las Vegas spawns fake news

Las Vegas spawns fake news

Facebook, Google carry bogus reports.
Late night TV hosts quiet on Harvey Weinstein scandal

Late night TV hosts quiet on Harvey Weinstein scandal

Political panel talks Hollywood hypocrisy.
Poll shows most Americans want to celebrate Columbus Day

Poll shows most Americans want to celebrate Columbus Day

'Green Card Warrior' Nick Adams weighs in on 'Fox & Friends First.'
Swamp Watch: The National Football League

Swamp Watch: The National Football League

The grass they're kneeling on is actually a swamp.
Media hit Trump's Puerto Rico trip

Media hit Trump’s Puerto Rico trip

Pundits chide him for awkward comments.
Joe Piscopo on the politics of late night TV

Joe Piscopo on the politics of late night TV

Actor and comedian shares his take on 'Fox & Friends.'
Dean Cain on the importance of learning from past tragedies

Dean Cain on the importance of learning from past tragedies

'From the Depths' project keeps memories of the Holocaust alive so that future generations can learn from it.
Gutfeld: I prefer facts when it comes to guns

Gutfeld: I prefer facts when it comes to guns

Solutions come from adults armed with facts, not comics armed with emotions.
Gutfeld: Hillary has made so much, out of doing so little

Gutfeld: Hillary has made so much, out of doing so little

Wouldn't you rather have Clinton on a TV couch, than in the Oval Office?