Monday, May 6, 2024
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Kids are talking politics at summer camp, and it’s a problem because they aren’t...

Over the past few years, it has become increasingly difficult to keep politics out of daily conversations. Whether I’m at work, at home or with friends, the current news cycle effortlessly becomes the main topic of conversation. It may come as a surprise to hear that kids – some as young as seven years old – are talking about politics. In this political era, it’s important to discuss current event topics with kids so they can understand the world around them and have informed opinions. Political conversation for kids isn’t always straightforward. The jokes cause their peers to laugh, but it isn’t until I confront them that they realize the jokes were wrong, and I learn they are repeating a friend or family member’s words that they have learned are OK. Kids absorb what they hear and repeat it without much thought. I don’t believe that kids try to spread false information or make insensitive comments. While I have worked with kids at my camp for several weeks now, one thing that I know is that all of them are eager to learn something new. Renee Pineda, a senior majoring in political science, is The Hatchet’s opinions editor.