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US, UK and Norway urge Sudan to plan for political transition

The Troika (the UK, US and Norway) on Tuesday released a joint statement on the current unrest in Sudan, urging the Sudanese authorities to respond to the demand from peaceful protesters for a transition to a political system that is “inclusive and has greater legitimacy.” The Troika urged a “credible plan for this political transition”, warning that failing to do so would risk “causing greater instability.” The Troika also called on the Sudanese authorities to “release all political detainees, stop the use of violence against peaceful protestors, remove all restrictions to freedoms, lift the state of emergency and allow for a credible political dialogue in a conducive environment with all key Sudanese actors that has as its basis the goal of a political and economic transition to a new type of Sudan.” The protests in Sudan began in December 2018, due to economic deterioration, such as a currency crisis, tripled bread prices and continued fuel shortage. Protesters also demand that president Omar al-Bashir steps down.

Norway plays politics with abortion laws

Norway's conservative prime minister, Erna Solberg, has proposed tightening the country's abortion laws, in a political gambit that goes against Europe's liberal trend. The paragraph allows abortion even after 12 weeks if the child was to be "seriously ill". Developments in medical technology were leading to a "sorting" of human beings, Solberg said in a recent blog post. "Many in our party do not feel comfortable about Norway, as one of the few countries in northern Europe, allowing the abortion of a healthy twin," she said. Ireland, formerly a staunchly Catholic-conservative country, is preparing legislation to allow terminations following a referendum in May. It is fully legal in all other EU states, including Nordic states, although women in Finland need medical permission to do it. It is also partly legal in Cyprus and Poland - the other two most restrictive EU jurisdictions, in special circumstances, for instance, if the mother has been raped or risks severe health complications. Solberg's government is currently kept in power by the conservative and anti-abortion Christian Democrats party. That prompted its leader, Knut Arild Hareide, to say it wanted to enter a ruling coalition - either a 'blue' one with Solberg or a 'red' one with the opposition Social Democrats party instead. Its Oslo branch also registered 44 percent more members in the past few weeks.
Cruise line faces backlash over shooting of polar bear

Cruise line faces backlash over shooting of polar bear

A German cruise line is facing outrage after one of its employees shot and killed a wild polar bear in Norway after the animal attacked one of its employees. Hapag-Lloyd Cruises said its ship was docked at Spitsbergen, the largest…
President Donald Trump Lambasts Leaders Of NATO Allies | Morning Joe | MSNBC

President Donald Trump Lambasts Leaders Of NATO Allies | Morning Joe | MSNBC

President Trump has written letters to the leaders of NATO allies including Germany, Belgium, Norway and Canada and warning the United States is losing patience, according to New York Times reporting. The panel discusses. » Subscribe to MSNBC: About:…

Person with forged identity nominated Trump for Nobel peace prize, officials say

The Norwegian Nobel Committee, which selects winners of the peace prize, has said that someone using a stolen identity has nominated Donald Trump for the award. The Norwegian news agency NTB quoted committee secretary Olav Njolstad as saying it appears the same person was responsible for forging nominations in 2017, as well. Njolstad who could not immediately be reached for comment, declined to identify the person, adding that Norwegian police have been informed. “Every year, we get lots of invalid nominations, but these are nominations that are not valid because those who nominate are not qualified to do so,” Njolstad told NTB. “As far as I know, this is the first example of someone nominating someone by stealing another person’s identity.” Nobel peace prize: US lawmakers nominate Hong Kong protesters Read more Norway’s Nobel Committee keeps candidate names secret for 50 years. However, those who can nominate candidates – parliament members, university professors, directors of peace research and international affairs institutes, and former recipients – can go public with candidate’s names. In January, Henrik Urdal, manager of the Peace Research Institute Oslo, told the Associated Press that Trump had been nominated for the 2018 Nobel Peace Prize but said the nomination “still lacks a strong academic justification”. The leader of the independent Norwegian peace institute said it was “an American player with the right to nominate a candidate” who told him the person had tapped Trump. Urdal declined to name the person.