Tuesday, July 2, 2024
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Tag: Newt Gingrich

Liberal Freshmen Are Shaking the Capitol Just Days Into the New Congress

They have pressed for an ambitious and costly climate change proposal that would eliminate the use of fossil fuels in 12 years and provide a job to anyone who wants one. Ms. Pelosi has curtailed many of the insurgent progressives’ demands. Their savvy, almost Trumpian use of social media may not pass a national health plan or a 70 percent income tax bracket, but it has helped muscle the policy conversation into the national discourse, and has nudged the party to the left. Representative Jackie Speier of California, one of the more senior women in the House, praised the new women for “invigorating the Congress” and “having the guts to say these rules don’t make any sense.” Nodding toward their tools of communication, she added, “I think what we’ve learned from President Trump is that people like authenticity.” The comparison to Mr. Trump may rankle, but their policy proposals bring to mind the Tea Party class of 2011, whose hard-right positions moved the Republican Party by making traditionally conservative proposals seem more moderate. “If I have any say to what happens legislatively, it’s that we get something done.” Several of the freshman proposals are not particularly new. For years, liberals have demanded greater attention to climate change. 2 House Republican. But Ms. Ocasio-Cortez won’t be leading the climate change panel. In an interview, Ms. Castor had only praise for the freshmen’s efforts on climate change, calling them “transformative.” “Part of the message is, ‘No way, we do not have time for climate deniers, and we’re going to press on,’” she said. This is our moment, and we need this youthful energy.” But Ms. Castor has history to worry about.
Newt Gingrich weighs in on White House chief of staff pick

Newt Gingrich weighs in on White House chief of staff pick

Former Republican Speaker of the House Newt Gingrich says President Trump needs a chief of staff who can help him win his 2020 election and who is strong enough to stand up to him. FOX News Channel (FNC) is a…
Gingrich's advice to Trump on dealing with a Democrat House

Gingrich’s advice to Trump on dealing with a Democrat House

Former Republican House speaker and Fox News contributor offers advice from his time working with President Bill Clinton. FOX News Channel (FNC) is a 24-hour all-encompassing news service dedicated to delivering breaking news as well as political and business news.…

America Descends Into the Politics of Rage

The rise of organized party politics in the so-called Age of Jackson brought with it an aggressive anger-spiked style of political warfare. The bullying power of Southern entitlement showed its full force in Congress. Representative John Quincy Adams of Massachusetts deliberately tried to put Southerners “in a blaze” over the issue of slavery. When it came to congressional combat, Northerners weren’t fighting men of the same sort as Southerners. And in time, that logic spread. The intensification of the nation’s ongoing slavery crisis fueled a spike in Southern bullying in Congress, and that anger proved contagious. The telegraph circulated news from Washington with remarkable speed, confronting increasing numbers of Americans with images of raging slaveholders holding dominion in Congress. Rage begat rage, and Northern noncombatants became fighting men, making cross-sectional discourse ever more difficult. Such is the impact of a politics of anger. But bullying power holders often pay a price, fueling a backlash through the contagion of rage.
Gingrich: Caravan is an attack on US sovereignty

Gingrich: Caravan is an attack on US sovereignty

On 'The Ingraham Angle,' Fox News contributor and former House speaker says the caravan puts Democrats in a difficult box. FOX News Channel (FNC) is a 24-hour all-encompassing news service dedicated to delivering breaking news as well as political and…
Gingrich: Midterms defined by 'Kavanaugh' and 'caravan'

Gingrich: Midterms defined by ‘Kavanaugh’ and ‘caravan’

On 'Hannity,' Fox News contributor and former House Speaker Newt Gingrich says the November elections are a 'life and death struggle' with the left-wing movement. FOX News Channel (FNC) is a 24-hour all-encompassing news service dedicated to delivering breaking news…
Gingrich: Pelosi's border remarks a great gift to the GOP

Gingrich: Pelosi’s border remarks a great gift to the GOP

After the Democrat calls President Trump's push for a border wall a 'manhood issue,' Newt Gingrich says the remarks expose the 'insanity' of the party's open borders policy. FOX News Channel (FNC) is a 24-hour all-encompassing news service dedicated to…
Newt Gingrich's honest look at the 2018 midterm races

Newt Gingrich’s honest look at the 2018 midterm races

Former House speaker and Fox News contributor gives his take on the balance of power in Washington. FOX News Channel (FNC) is a 24-hour all-encompassing news service dedicated to delivering breaking news as well as political and business news. The…

Jonathan Bernstein: Confirmation shows brutal politics

The big two lessons of Brett Kavanaugh’s nomination and confirmation are that U.S. politics right now is party politics – and that the Republican Party has fully absorbed the style and principles of Newt Gingrich, the Tea Party, and other influences that tell it to never compromise and always exploit all short-term advantages as much as possible. Parties are (among other things) networks of individual partisans, and that means that within specialized areas – such as the top lawyers and the politicians who work with them – strong personal relationships develop. That helps a lot when things go wrong. That explains why Democrats, including several up for election in Republican states, almost unanimously opposed Kavanaugh (and the only exception, West Virginia’s Joe Manchin, was widely thought to be an available “no” vote if needed). On the Republican side, meanwhile, things are the same as with the Democrats, except more formalized with the role of the Federalist Society as the arbiter and protector of Republican orthodoxy in judicial selections. George W. Bush and Donald Trump have nominated people from the most conservative edge of the conservative mainstream. That’s why his nomination to the D.C. Circuit Court was bitterly opposed by Democrats when George W. Bush was president. Faced with a Republican majority in the Senate in 2016, Obama sought to compromise – nominating an older moderate liberal, Merrick Garland. We’ll know more after the 2018 and 2020 elections.

Got a Problem With Politics Today? Blame These Guys

Red and blue are no longer mere colors, but the war paints of choice of America’s dueling tribes. America’s emerging divisions were coming into focus. Enter Newt Gingrich, an army brat, small college history professor, and conservative trend-threader. When Ken Starr supplied congressional Republicans with ammunition to impeach President Clinton, Gingrich, the congressional GOP, and the Republican base eagerly drank from the poisoned chalice—even as it ended an ethically-addled Gingrich’s congressional career and to Republican defeat in the 1998 midterms, a historic rarity for the “out party” in the sixth year of a presidency. The Red and the Blue also captures the other players and hot-button issues that shape the politics of our day. Kornacki also notes Trump’s prior disdain for Buchanan in the context of the 2000 presidential contest where Buchanan ran on the Reform Party line. At the time, Trump and Buchanan both contemplated running for the party’s nomination. Fittingly, The Red and the Blue ends by circling back to Gingrich and Clinton. What he didn’t count on was that it would do the same for the Democrats. Like their party they could see where their future was.” But as the 2016 election teaches us, that’s not enough for the Democrats to get to 270.