Monday, July 1, 2024
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Tag: Mohamed M. Barud

He Was Imprisoned And Losing His Mind. ‘Anna Karenina’ Saved Him

Mohamed Barud was a 31-year-old newlywed when he was sentenced to life in prison in Somalia. Read and listen to stories in the series here. In the silence, Mohamed is thinking about his young wife, Ismahan. Two years into their prison sentence, the doctor is called into the warden's office for his first change of clothes. The story of Anna Karenina is the story of a young, Russian noblewoman married to a man much older than herself. But Mohamed realizes his tears are not just for Anna: "That's when I remembered my wife .... How much she's suffering. When she heard Mohamed's story and how he credited the book with changing his perspective, she had a strong reaction: "I think that's related to the book. That's what Batuman thinks that Tolstoy's book gave to Mohamed. Here's what Mohamed says: "It definitely helped. Tell us about a book that has helped you through a difficult time.