Monday, June 17, 2024
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Mike Myers Remembers Verne Troyer

Mike Myers Remembers Verne Troyer

Mike remembers Verne Troyer after his passing, talks about his funeral, working with him on Austin Powers, and reveals that one of the first things people have always asked him about is Mini-Me. Miley Cyrus on 'F**K YOU' Tweet Taking…
Mike Myers on Will Arnett & The Gong Show

Mike Myers on Will Arnett & The Gong Show

Mike talks about hosting 'The Gong Show' on ABC, playing British TV host Tommy Maitland and messing with Will Arnett on the set. Miley Cyrus on 'F**K YOU' Tweet Taking Back Apology SUBSCRIBE to get the latest #KIMMEL:…
Mike Myers Seduced by Matthew McConaughey?

Mike Myers Seduced by Matthew McConaughey?

Mike reveals that he recently had a super awkward night with Matthew McConaughey and his wife at a hotel in Los Angeles. Miley Cyrus on 'F**K YOU' Tweet Taking Back Apology SUBSCRIBE to get the latest #KIMMEL: Watch…
Trump is Surprisingly Self-Congratulatory When Drunk

Trump is Surprisingly Self-Congratulatory When Drunk

The President was all smiles in public today at the swearing-in of his new Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, where we slowed him down to half speed for tonight's self-congratulatory #DrunkDonaldTrump. Miley Cyrus on 'F**K YOU' Tweet Taking Back Apology…
Amazon's New Alexa for Kids

Amazon’s New Alexa for Kids

Starting a week from tomorrow, Amazon will be offering a kid-friendly version of their digital assistant Alexa. This version of Alexa is catered toward answering questions children might ask. When Jimmy was a kid, he had to rely on the…
Trump Only Hires Unqualified People

Trump Only Hires Unqualified People

Trump is having yet another problem with a cabinet nominee. His pick to run the Department of Veterans Affairs, White House Dr. Ronny Jackson is under fire for allegations of improper behavior in the workplace. He was not sufficiently vetted…
Sarah Drunkabee Sanders

Sarah Drunkabee Sanders

French President Emmanuel Macron and his wife hosted a dinner at Mount Vernon and tomorrow night there is a big state dinner at the White House. White House Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders weighed in on whether or not President…
3rd Grader Explains Fake News to Donald Trump

3rd Grader Explains Fake News to Donald Trump

President Trump seems to be confused about what is and isn't fake news these days, so to help him out we asked a third-grader named Noah to break it down for him in a very simple way. Zlatan Ibrahimovi? on…
Sean Hannity is Michael Cohen's Mystery Client

Sean Hannity is Michael Cohen’s Mystery Client

This morning, Donald Trump's lawyer Michael Cohen was forced to reveal the name of a secret mystery third client who is none other than Sean Hannity. Donald Trump's Doorman Paid to Keep Quiet SUBSCRIBE to get the latest #KIMMEL:…
This Week in Unnecessary Censorship

This Week in Unnecessary Censorship

Once again, we've bleeped and blurred all the week's big TV moments whether they need it or not. This week we feature Donald Trump, Pat Robertson, Joe Biden, Charles Barkley and more. #UnnecessaryCensorship Trump is Furious and Bad at Spelling…