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Brexit summit: EU tells British MPs this is ‘only deal possible’ as Brussels approves...

Play Video 1:17 EU leaders have said the deal available to the UK is the only one possible and that they won’t start a new negotiation if British MPs vote it down. At a press conference he appeared to rule out making changes to the agreement if May loses the vote in parliament. There is clearly no appetite at all for any substantial renegotiation, but the Commons vote is expected to take place in the week of the December EU summit, and some of the EU leaders seemed keen on keeping their options open if May were to return to Brussels having lost the vote. He says: Meanwhile the first minister, Nicola Sturgeon, is continuing to press the point on fishing rights: in this tweet below she challenges the Scotland secretary, David Mundell, on the link between access to waters and trade, something that the UK government insists will not be ongoing, but which many others looking at the agreement think is inevitable. The French president repeated his claim that Brexiters lied during the referendum and he suggested that France would push to keep the UK in the backstop if it does now win concessions on fish. #Brexit (@BrunoBrussels) Agree on regulatory alignment and fishing access or you are stuck in the backstop customs union, @EmmanuelMacron spells out how the next stage of talks will work if MPs agree the withdrawal agreement (@nick_gutteridge) Bombshell from Macron who suggests if EU doesn't get what it wants on fishing it'll force UK into backstop customs union. We will work with others to block a no-deal outcome, and ensure that Labour’s alternative plan for a sensible deal to bring the country together is on the table. Asked if she could categorically rule this out, May repeated the point about how Juncker and others have described this as the only deal possible. When told that Angela Merkel said she was sad about Brexit, and asked if she felt the same way, May said: She hinted that she might meet opposition MPs to try to secure their support in the vote on her deal. Q: Has anything changed today that might make people back the deal?