Tuesday, May 14, 2024
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The Atlantic Politics & Policy Daily: Gina Hasvotes

-Written by Taylor Hosking (@Taylor__Hosking), Lena Felton (@lenakfelton), and Elaine Godfrey (@elainejgodfrey) Today in 5 Lines Virginia Senator Mark Warner announced his support for President Trump’s pick for CIA director, Gina Haspel, after she sent him a letter clarifying that, in hindsight, the agency’s “enhanced interrogation program is not one the CIA should have undertaken.” Haspel now likely has enough votes to be confirmed for the position. The United Nations Security Council held an emergency meeting to discuss the recent violence in Gaza. UN Ambassador Nikki Haley said she believes Israel exercised “restraint” in Monday’s clashes with protesters, adding that the unrest was not caused by the relocation of the U.S. embassy. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo lifted a hiring freeze put in place by his predecessor at the State Department, Rex Tillerson, allowing it to fill various key positions. The Trump administration is reportedly considering using military bases to house migrant children. The Obama administration also used bases to shelter children during the 2014 child-migrant crisis. The Races We’re Watching Voters in Idaho, Nebraska, Oregon, and Pennsylvania will select nominees for House, Senate, and gubernatorial races in their states’ primary elections. We’ll be monitoring several races in Pennsylvania, where the state Supreme Court replaced a Republican gerrymander with a new congressional map that is much more favorable to Democrats. Drip, Drip, Drip: Bill Clinton was able to slow the flow of leaks coming out of his White House in his second year in office, but those methods won’t necessarily work for Trump. (David A. Graham).