Wednesday, April 24, 2024
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Science: Archaeologists Find 9,000 Year Old Shrine in Jordan Desert

The Story: Archaeologists working in the desert in Jordan have found an ancient temple. Very ancient. It appears to have been created around 7,000 BC....

Hunt to call on Trump to impose fresh sanctions on Russia

In a speech in Washington on Tuesday during his first visit since taking over from Boris Johnson as the UK’s most senior diplomat, Hunt will specifically call for tighter regulation of online political advertising and new measures to prevent cyber attacks on electoral machinery. Is free trade always the answer? Read more Hunt will also throw out a challenge to Trump’s protectionist policies by warning a weakening of free trade will only damage western economies, and ultimately western political power. He will say the emergence of an international order based on the application of law rather than might had led to an exponential growth in trade, leading to extraordinary advances in economic and social prosperity across the globe. “Given the importance of the online world for political communication the rules governing online activity in the runup to elections should surely be as strict as those elsewhere – and modern electorates should be given confidence the results cannot be influenced by the cyber activities of other countries.” Hunt’s remarks suggest he is prepared to back the case recently made by the former foreign secretary Lord Hague for a ban on online paid political advertising of the kind that has been imposed on broadcasters for decades. Following the summit, Trump implied that he trusted the Russian president as much if not more than his own intelligence agencies. Trump has always been reluctant to support wider sanctions against Russia. Before the summit Trump clashed with his Nato allies and implied he might accept the annexation of Crimea from Ukraine – a policy the US secretary of state, Mike Pompeo, repudiated days after the summit. Hunt will urge the EU to stand truly shoulder to shoulder with the US administration by going further to impose more comprehensive sanctions against Russia. The two sides are likely to probe for potential common ground over the 2015 Iran nuclear deal, still supported by the EU, but torn up by Trump.