Saturday, May 4, 2024
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Tag: Emily Stewart

The Political Distortion of Language

Yet for some on the political left the editorial wasn’t about the Senate’s constitutional duty or praising Sen. Collins. A reporter named Emily Stewart even wrote a story about the headline for Vox, the left-wing website, saying “it seems like a rape joke” and calling it an “apparent double-entendre.” Ms. Stewart may be angling for a job at the New York Times alongside Maggie Haberman, a reporter who retweeted something from someone named Rosa Goldensohn that “It’s a play on words, get it? With rape.” This is the political culture that New York Times reporters like Ms. Haberman marinate in and promote. Like several readers in our comments section, our first reaction was that these people should get their minds out of the gutter. The mob wants to interpret everything through the prism of identity politics and accuse opponents of condoning or laughing at sexual assault. As George Orwell said of the propagandists of his day, these people want to manipulate language to distort its meaning to make their opponents seem illegitimate. This debases political debate and it also diminishes the seriousness of sexual assault. The #MeToo movement has exposed real injustice and inexcusable, sometimes criminal, behavior by men in power. Harvey Weinstein and Bill Cosby deserve their punishment. Something like this happened with the Brett Kavanaugh nomination when mere accusation, without corroborating evidence, was said to be enough to disqualify him from the Supreme Court.