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Tag: Colorado Senate

On Politics With Lisa Lerer: A Blue Wave You Haven’t Heard About

Welcome to On Politics, your guide to the day in national politics. That’s because if she wins, and other seats hold, control of the state legislature flips to the Democrats. Besides Colorado, there are a half-dozen states where Democrats are a few seats away from winning control of the state senate: • One seat away in New York, Maine and Minnesota. “For state legislatures, it’s the number one race in the country,” Ms. Winter told me in a phone interview this week. There has been lots of talk about the “blue wave” that could break over Congress, turning over control of the House to Democrats. Former President Barack Obama has made it a central political priority of his post-presidential years. A former city councilwoman, this is her fifth political race. Slavery is on the ballot in Colorado. Image On Politics will occasionally check in with The Times’s national correspondents, who live across the country and hear about local issues that might not otherwise rise to our attention. Amendment A, a question on the state ballot, asks voters if they’d like remove similar language in the Colorado Constitution and replace it with the following: “There shall never be in this state either slavery or involuntary servitude.” The amendment’s architect is Jumoke Emery, 31, an organizer I’ve known since 2016, when I interviewed him at a vigil for minority men and women killed by police.