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Tag: arnold schwarzenegger

Gavin Newsom Stays: California Recall Fails

The Story: California Governor Gavin Newsom (D) defeated, and by a wide margin, an effort to remove him from that position with the vote Tuesday,...

Recall Election in California Approaches

The Story: Last week election officials in California announced that the advocates of the recall of Governor Gavin Newsom do have enough signatures on their...

Week in politics: Impact of Mueller report, expected to be public mid-April, continues to...

AirTalk’s weekly political roundtable recaps the major headlines you might’ve missed in politics news over the weekend and looks ahead to the week to come. Here are the headlines what we’re following this week: DOJ says Mueller report will be public by mid-April Trump’s response Trump, Schiff war of words Schiff asked to step down as House Intel Chair How media covered Muller report collusion allegations 2020 Democratic candidates Biden accused of inappropriate kiss Beto officially kicks off 2020 campaign Buttigeig says he raised $7 million in first quarter for 2020 bid Trump threatens to close U.S.-Mexico border Trump admin wants ACA repealed in full Latest on unrest in Venezuela, Russian involvement Guests: Lynn Vavreck, professor of political science at UCLA and author of several books, including “Identity Crisis: The 2016 Presidential Election & the Battle for the Meaning of America” (Princeton University Press, October 2018) ; she tweets @vavreck Sean T. Walsh, Republican political analyst and partner at Wilson Walsh Consulting in San Francisco; he is a former adviser to California Governors Pete Wilson and Arnold Schwarzenegger and a former White House staffer for Presidents Reagan and H.W. Bush

Mayor Breed’s appeal for brother’s release is collision of politics, family and justice

Mayor London Breed picked the right time and the right governor to ask for clemency for her imprisoned brother. The San Francisco mayor said the attorney for brother Napoleon Brown suggested that “Jerry Brown would probably be more open” to the request because it was his last year in office. In his first stint as governor, Brown issued 400 pardons and just one commutation. This time around, he has pardoned 1,100 and commuted 152 sentences. So Breed would never have a better opportunity to make the case that her brother, who has served about half his 42-year sentence for a 2000 robbery and involuntary manslaughter, received an excessive sentence and deserves another chance at freedom. She has received legitimate criticism over the way she highlighted her title — “MAYOR LONDON BREED” in block letters at the top of her correspondence to the governor — as well as disclosures that she testified as an alibi witness, claiming she saw her brother sleeping on a couch on the night the robbery went down. We thought about it, we discussed it, we even weighed it: Should we do this because this could be problematic?” The decision was that attaching the prefix “Mayor” to her name did not really matter, in her view. The reason I got into politics and the first place, and doing the work that I’ve done even before I was an elected official, had everything to do with what happened to my family growing up in the city, and the challenges we experienced.” I can’t begrudge Breed for wanting to free her brother, and I respect her putting herself on the line to assure the state that she would help provide the support to allow him to succeed outside the prison walls. These are among the questions a governor must consider. The easy way out — see: Gray Davis — is to pretend the justice system always gets it right, and that every inmate who remains in prison, however unfairly, is one less potential Willie Horton to crop up at election time.

Schwarzenegger says American politics ‘sucks,’ and lack of progress is ’embarrassing’

(CNN)Former California Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger shared his frustrations about how "nothing is getting done" in American politics on CNN's "The Axe Files," airing Saturday at 7p.m. ET on CNN. "I'm very little interested in politics, because it sucks," he said when asked about President Trump's choice to focus his midterm platform on the economy, the confirmation of Justice Brett Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court, and the northward march of migrants in Central America. Schwarzenegger said he found America's lack of immigration policy reform and crumbling infrastructure particularly embarrassing. "To me, it's more important to get the job done rather than ... worry about a caravan coming or not." Schwarzenegger recently campaigned for redistricting initiatives in Colorado and Michigan. "People wanted someone from the outside, people were sick and tired of what was going on in Washington," he said. "How long can you talk about building more infrastructure in America ... all those kind of things, and nothing is happening? While he compared the "outsider" dynamic of President Trump's campaign to that of his gubernatorial runs in 2003 and 2006, Schwarzenegger, who was born in Austria, cannot make a presidential bid.
Chaos in the White House, PETA's Letter to Melania Trump - Monologue

Chaos in the White House, PETA’s Letter to Melania Trump – Monologue

Seth Meyers' monologue from Tuesday, March 6. » Subscribe to Late Night: http://bit.ly/LateNightSeth » Get more Late Night with Seth Meyers: http://www.nbc.com/late-night-with-seth-meyers/ » Watch Late Night with Seth Meyers Weeknights 12:35/11:35c on NBC. LATE NIGHT ON SOCIAL Follow Late Night on Twitter: https://twitter.com/LateNightSeth…
Wisconsin Gerrymandering: ‘This Is A Form Of Election Rigging’ | AM Joy | MSNBC

Wisconsin Gerrymandering: ‘This Is A Form Of Election Rigging’ | AM Joy | MSNBC

The Supreme Court gerrymandering case focusing on Wisconsin raises the issue of defending voting rights against voter suppression. Joy Reid and her panel discuss. » Subscribe to MSNBC: http://on.msnbc.com/SubscribeTomsnbc About: MSNBC is the premier destination for in-depth analysis of daily…
50 Shades of Build-A-Bear, World No Alcohol Day - Monologue

50 Shades of Build-A-Bear, World No Alcohol Day – Monologue

Seth Meyers' monologue from Monday, October 2. » Subscribe to Late Night: http://bit.ly/LateNightSeth » Get more Late Night with Seth Meyers: http://www.nbc.com/late-night-with-seth-meyers/ » Watch Late Night with Seth Meyers Weeknights 12:35/11:35c on NBC. LATE NIGHT ON SOCIAL Follow Late Night on Twitter: https://twitter.com/LateNightSeth…