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Tag: anderson cooper

Anderson Cooper: Rudy Giuliani is gaslighting on collusion

Anderson Cooper: Rudy Giuliani is gaslighting on collusion

After President Donald Trump's lawyer Rudy Giuliani said he could not say if members of the Trump campaign colluded with Russians, CNN's Anderson Cooper questions whether Giuliani was getting ahead of special counsel Robert Mueller's next move. #CNN #News
Diabetic federal worker: I went to bed, hoped to wake up

Diabetic federal worker: I went to bed, hoped to wake up

Mallory Lorge, a federal worker for the US Fish and Wildlife Service, is diabetic and needs insulin but said she couldn't face the medical costs with no end to the government shutdown in sight. #CNN #News
Cooper: What's going on with Trump, Russia is something

Cooper: What’s going on with Trump, Russia is something

CNN's Anderson Cooper looks at President Trump and Russian President Vladimir Putin's relationship after Senate Republicans blocked a Democratic effort to keep sanctions on companies tied to Russian oligarch Oleg Deripaska. #CNN #News
Anderson Cooper takes on Trump's chaotic meeting

Anderson Cooper takes on Trump’s chaotic meeting

CNN's Anderson Cooper looks at President Trump's claim that he could solve the government shutdown in a short meeting with lawmakers. #CNN #News

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Is Making All the Right People Crazy

I admit, I was dubious about AOC. She literally danced in their faces, and then she danced in their faces again. She will make rookie mistakes. AOC is young, vital, outspoken, and a woman. Through all the hype, AOC recently has thrown herself headlong into one of the most vital domestic issues of the day: the fight to roll back the economic snake-oil first injected into our national politics by Ronald Reagan. In an interview with Anderson Cooper, she proposed a top marginal tax rate of 70 percent, or 20 percent lower than that which existed under Eisenhower, but 20 points higher than it was after JFK's tax cut, and almost 30 points higher than it is now after nearly 40 years of Laffer-curved fairy tales. But misspeaking doesn't make you Sarah Palin, and fudging numbers and barbering facts doesn't make you Donald Trump. If the latter were the case, then one could argue that Max Boot was Trumpian before Trump, since he threw himself behind a case made from fudged numbers and barbered facts that got us lied into a war in Iraq. If they're weren't, then AOC isn't, either. She's making all the right people crazy, and that's a good thing.
Anderson Cooper unmasks untruths in Trump's Syria tweet

Anderson Cooper unmasks untruths in Trump’s Syria tweet

CNN's Anderson Cooper dives into President Donald Trump's past statements on plans to withdraw troops from Syria, revealing a contradiction from Trump's own national security adviser. #CNN #News
Ocasio-Cortez gets praise from 'The Breakfast Club'

Ocasio-Cortez gets praise from ‘The Breakfast Club’

After an old video of Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez dancing surfaced, CNN's Anderson Cooper takes a look back at other politicians who have busted a move on camera. #CNN #News
Anderson Cooper: The world changed today for Trump

Anderson Cooper: The world changed today for Trump

CNN's Anderson Cooper explores the future for President Donald Trump and his administration now that his opposition has grown stronger in Congress. #CNN #News
Anderson Cooper tries to decipher Trump's Instagram post

Anderson Cooper tries to decipher Trump’s Instagram post

President Donald Trump posted a "Game of Thrones"-style altered image saying, "The Wall Is Coming," after showcasing a similar photo with the phrase "Sanctions are Coming" at a Cabinet meeting. #CNN #News
Anderson Cooper exposes Trump’s false claims in cabinet meeting

Anderson Cooper exposes Trump’s false claims in cabinet meeting

CNN's Anderson Cooper checks President Donald Trump's comments during a White House meeting with his cabinet and congressional leaders. #CNN #News