Editorial: It seems to us — Bathroom politics; lottery luck; and a Godzilla fan’s last wish

If there’s a place where policy collides with practicality, a group of SUNY students have found it. Their plans to compete in the national Division III swimming and diving championships have been complicated by New York State’s ban on unnecessary state-funded travel to North Carolina.

Gov. Andrew M. Cuomo imposed the ban three years ago, after North Carolina passed a “bathroom bill” affecting transgender people. Although the law was relaxed after the state started paying an economic price, it remains controversial and New York hasn’t changed its policy.

So instead of flying into North Carolina and competing in Greensboro, SUNY competitors from Geneseo, Brockport and Cortland are flying into Virginia and staying in a hotel there. Sen. Patrick Gallivan, R-Elma, has called on Cuomo to reconsider the order, but the governor has shown no interest in that. The students, for their part,…

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