Armed Forces Move Against Zimbabwe's President

The Story:
Major General Sibusiso Moyo, of the Zimbabwe Defence Forces (ZDF) appeared on state television Tuesday night, November 14, to assure Zimbabweans “and the world beyond our borders” that what looked like a military takeover of that country would prove to be just a limited intervention.
A Takeover By Any Other Name:
The military took control of the streets of the capital city, Harare, Tuesday evening, placing the President under house arrest and detaining other senior government officials.
Though there are many reasons why people with and without ZDF uniforms have become discontented with Mugabe’s long rule over the decades, the crisis that catalyzed this take-over involved the issue of succession. It was not at all clear who was next in line after 93-year-old Mugabe passes from the scene.
The Thing to Know:
Bitter memories of 2008, when ZImbabwe suffered 500 billion percent inflation, limited the eagerness of many in the country today to rally to Mugabe’s side in this crisis.

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