A Reporter/Blogger and a Violent Death in Malta

The Story:

A car bomb attack killed Daphne Caruana Galizia, an investigative reporter working in Malta. Since that murder, on Monday, October 16, reactions have intensified. Galizia had developed an international reputation while shining unflattering lights upon both of Malta’s major parties, the Nationalists as well as Labour.

Her Last Words:

Galizia’s final blog post excoriated Keith Schembri, the chief of staff to Malta’s (Labour) prime minister. The post was headlined, “That crook Schembri was in court today, pleading that he is not a crook.”

Even more evocative in light of her death is the way the post ended, “There are crooks everywhere you look now. The situation is desperate.”

The Thing to Know:

Thousands marched through Malta’s capital city Sunday, October 22, many holding signs that bore those last words: “The situation is desperate.”

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