Resistance to the Murdoch Family Empire

The Story:

Rupert Murdoch and his family own or control news outlets all over the globe. Many people in Australia, the UK, and the US worry about the power this brings them.

Latest Controversy:

The most recent controversy around the Murdoch family and its ambitions concerns Sky Plc, a broadcasting operation important throughout Europe, listed on the London Stock Exchange.  The Murdochs already own much of it (39%), and they want to buy the rest.  They are awaiting approval from the UK Competition and Markets Authority.  In some minds, anyway, this has become one front on which Murdochian dominance can be challenged. In other minds, the purchase of Sky is tangled with the anxieties that surround the UK’s impending departure from the European Union.

The Punch Line

Rupert’ son James Murdoch has said that the CMA should approve the deal to signal that the UK “truly is open for business post-Brexit.”


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